ESP32 with MODBUS RTU RS485 Protocol Using Arduino IDE | (2024)

ESP32 with MODBUS RTU RS485 Protocol Using Arduino IDE | (1)

This tutorial, we will learn how to handle Modbus RTU RS485 Protocol with ESP32 board using Arduino IDE. In this user guide, we will explore some basic concept of Modbus protocol, Interfacing of RS485 Module with ESP32 board, MAX485 TTL To RS485 Module and finally will prepare simple code to read the data over ESP32 serial port using SoftwareSerial Library.

Let us start with some basics understanding of Modbus Protocol:

What is Modbus Protocol?

Modbus is a serial communication protocol developed by Modicon in 1979. In simple terms, it is a method used for transmitting information over serial lines between electronic devices. Modbus is an open protocol, meaning that it’s free for manufacturers to communicate between electronics devices. Modbus is used in monitoring; to communicate between intelligent devices, sensors or instruments and to monitor field devices using computer and HMI.

It has become a standard communications protocol in industry, and is now the most commonly available means of connecting industrial electronic devices. It is used widely by many manufacturers throughout many industries.Modbus is typically used to transmit signals from instrumentation and control devices back to a main controller or data gathering system, for example a system that measures temperature and humidity and communicates the results to a computer. Modbus is often used to connect a supervisory computer with a remote terminal unit (RTU) in supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems. Versions of the Modbus protocol exist for serial lines (Modbus RTU and Modbus ASCII) and for Ethernet (Modbus TCP).


Modbus is transmitted over serial lines between devices. The simplest setup would be a single serial cable connecting the serial ports on two devices, a Master and a Slave.

ESP32 with MODBUS RTU RS485 Protocol Using Arduino IDE | (2)

In a standard Modbus network, there is one Master and up to 247 Slaves, each with a unique Slave Address from 1 to 247. The Master can also write information to the Slaves. The official Modbus specification can be found at There are basically three types or variations of the Modbus protocol:

  • Modbus ASCII
  • Modbus RTU
  • Modbus TCP and IP

Modbus ASCII:

Modbus was originally developed using ASCII character using messages.

Modbus RTU:

Modbus-RTU (Remote Terminal Unit) means that the Modbus protocol is used on top of a serial line with an RS-232, RS-485 or similar physical interface. It is point to point communication which means it has only one master and slave. Modbus RTU is using binary coding and CRC error checking for transmission implementation. The two modes are incompatible when they do not use the same communication protocol for example if we are using binary or ascii at the transmission side than at the receiving end we will also use the same protocols, so a device is configured for ASCII mode cannot communicate with one using RTU. Modbus RTU devices typically use one of three electrical interfaces which are:

  • RS232
  • RS485
  • RS422


RS232 was first introduced in 1962. This is the most common type of serial interface, it was the standard communication before the PS2 and USB became popular in the computer industry. RS232 is simple point to point arrangement which will send one bit at a time therefore it is known as serial communication. If we need to connect only one device to another and the distance between the two devices is less than 50 feet or 15 meters, then RS232 will do the job.


RS422 is an improved version of RS232 which used twisted pair cables to reduce the noise and interference; it uses signalling balancing to transmit data. The signal becomes balanced it uses a voltage difference between the two lines as an indication of the signal value, with this method the data is able to transmit for a longer distance with faster data rates.

With RS422 the data can transmit up to 10 Mbps at 50 feet or 100Kbps or 4000 feet. RS422 is capable of multiple drop capability which it limits up to 10 slaves in the data line.


RS485 is used to send data and receive serial data. If more than two devices connected serially then we can communicate devices with one another. To connect more than two devices on the same line and have a distance greater than 50 feet than we will use RS485 or RS422. RS485 can travel signal up to 1 KM. For master communicating with multiple slave devices RS485 is by far the most popular method. RS485 was developed by as a replacement or upgrade of RS432 as well as RS422.

After above discussion about basics of Modbus RTU protocol let us discuss about the RS485 Module which we need interface with ESP32 board to receive data serially over serial port.

About MAX485 TTL To RS485 Module

ESP32 with MODBUS RTU RS485 Protocol Using Arduino IDE | (3)
ESP32 with MODBUS RTU RS485 Protocol Using Arduino IDE | (4)

The MAX485 TTL To RS485 Module is a level shifter module which maintain full compliance to RS485 and RS422 standards when operating from a 3.3V supply. Competing parts sometimes drive a reduced VODwhen powered by 3.3V.

TheMAX485 TTL To RS485 Module converts TTL signal to RS485 forlong range, high data rate error prone differential communication.Digital communications networks implementing the EIA-485 standard can be used effectively over long distances and in electrically noisy environments.

Multiple receivers may be connected to such a network in a linear, multi-dropconfiguration. These characteristics make such networks useful in industrial environments and similar applications.

This converter lets you send and receive data using theRS485network from your Arduino / microcontroller. Similar to Serial TTL andRS232interfaces, the RS485 lets you transfer data between microcontrollers and devices but with extra features! RS485 is an industry standard protocol for data transfer and provides numerous advantages.

It let’s you transfer data between up to 32 devices, through the same data line over a cable length of up to 1.2km (4000ft) with a maximum data rate of 10Mbit/s. This converter is designed for office and industrial applications (non-isolated) and provides superior characteristics/features normally found only on more expensive units.

MAX485 TTL To RS485 Schematic

ESP32 with MODBUS RTU RS485 Protocol Using Arduino IDE | (5)

Features :

  1. On-board MAX485 chip, A low power consumption for the RS-485 communication, slew-rate limited transceiver.
  2. A low power consumption for the RS-485 communication
  3. Onboard then 5.08 (mm) pitch 2P terminal to facilitate RS-485 communication wiring
  4. Slew-rate limited transceiver
  5. All pins of the chip have been lead to can be controlled through the microcontroller
  6. Convenient RS-485 communication wiring
  7. Multiple Units can be connected to the same RS-485 bus wiring
  8. All Chip pins are brought out for proper controls

Concept Of Project

In this project , we will read the RS485 serial data using SoftwareSerial port using RS485 TTL module.

ESP32 with MODBUS RTU RS485 Protocol Using Arduino IDE | (6)

Components Required:

Pinout and Schematic

Please refer below pinout for ESP32 with 38 Pin to build the schematic for this project. Refer our previous tutorial forInstalling the ESP32 Board in Arduino IDE?. Below schematic is for how to connect the MAX485 TTL To RS485 Module with ESP32 board. The connection for MAX485 TTL To RS485 with ESP32 should be as below:

  • MAX485 TTL To RS485 >> VCC >> +5V of ESP32
  • MAX485 TTL To RS485 >> GND >> GND of ESP32
  • MAX485 TTL To RS485 >> RO >> GPIO26 of ESP32 (SoftwareSerial RX)
  • MAX485 TTL To RS485 >> DI >> GPIO27 of ESP32 (SoftwareSerial TX)
  • MAX485 TTL To RS485 >> RE >> GPIO32 of ESP32
  • MAX485 TTL To RS485 >> DE >> GPIO33 of ESP32
ESP32 with MODBUS RTU RS485 Protocol Using Arduino IDE | (7)
ESP32 with MODBUS RTU RS485 Protocol Using Arduino IDE | (8)
ESP32 with MODBUS RTU RS485 Protocol Using Arduino IDE | (9)

ESP32 Programming using Arduino IDE:

Copy the below code to Arduino IDE, Then upload the following example code to your ESP32 board using theArduino IDE.

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>// RS485 setup with ESp32#define RE 32 // Connect RE terminal with 32 of ESP#define DE 33 // Connect DE terminal with 33 of ESP const byte ModReadBuffer[] = {0x01, 0x03, 0x00, 0x1e, 0x00, 0x01, 0xe4, 0x0c};byte BufferValue[8];SoftwareSerial mod(26, 27); // RX=26 , TX =27void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); mod.begin(9600);// modbus configuration pinMode(RE, OUTPUT); pinMode(DE, OUTPUT);}void loop() { byte val1; while (mod.write(ModReadBuffer, sizeof(ModReadBuffer)) == 8) { val1 = ModbusData(); delay(5000); }}byte ModbusData(){ byte i; digitalWrite(DE,HIGH); digitalWrite(RE,HIGH); delay(10); if(mod.write(ModReadBuffer,sizeof(ModReadBuffer))==8){ digitalWrite(DE,LOW); digitalWrite(RE,LOW); for(i=0;i<4;i++){ //Serial.print(,HEX); BufferValue[i] =; } if(BufferValue[1]!=255 && BufferValue[2]!=255 && BufferValue[2]!=255){ Serial.println("Serial Data received On:"); Serial.print("Modbus Buffer[1]="); Serial.println(BufferValue[1],DEC); Serial.print("Modbus Buffer[2]="); Serial.println(BufferValue[2],DEC); Serial.print("Modbus Buffer[3]="); Serial.println(BufferValue[3],DEC); Serial.println("");} // } } return BufferValue[8];}

Download Code

ESP32 with MODBUS RTU RS485 Protocol Using Arduino IDE | (10)

How the Code Works?

Importing Libraries

In this example, we are going to use the ESPSoftwareSerial Library to read the Modbus RTU RS485 Data on serial port. To read this data we need to include SoftwaresSerial library at the start of code.

 #include <SoftwareSerial.h> 

Next, we need declare a variable for interfacing MAX485 TTL To RS4485 module RE and DE terminal with ESP32 board.

RE is the ‘Receiver Enable’ pin and must be pulled low whenever you want to be able to receive data. DE is the ‘Driver Enable’ pin and must be pulled high while you’re transmitting data. You’ll notice that the DE and RE pins have opposite polarity. DE is active-high and RE is active-low. So you can tie them together and control them from one pin if you want to – high means you want to transmit (DE active, RE inactive), and low means you want to receive (RE active, DE inactive).

// RS485 setup with ESp32
#define RE 32 // Connect RE terminal with 32 of ESP
#define DE 33 // Connect DE terminal with 33 of ESP

Now, let us create a buffer to to store the data, when Modbus is active and stated sending a data will be stored in BufferValue[8].

const byte ModReadBuffer[] = {0x01, 0x03, 0x00, 0x1e, 0x00, 0x01, 0xe4, 0x0c};byte BufferValue[8];

Below is the SoftwareSerial Port declaration at ESP32 GPIO26 and GPIO27 to read the data from MAX485 TTL To RS4485 module .

SoftwareSerial mod(26, 27); // RX=26 , TX =27

In the setup() function, First we will initialize the ESP32 Serial monitor at Baud rate 115200. After initializing ESP32 serial, we need start SoftwareSerial port at Baud rate of 9600.

Note: The baud rate of Softwareserial port should be same as Transmitting device like PLC or HMI etc.

In the next line we need define direction of RE and DE terminal which we have to connect with ESP32 board at GPIO32 and GPIO33.

void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); mod.begin(9600);// modbus configuration pinMode(RE, OUTPUT); pinMode(DE, OUTPUT);}

In the Infinite loop() function, we need to call SoftwareSerial to write the data from PLC device which will buffered in the ModReadBuffer variable.

void loop() { byte val1; while (mod.write(ModReadBuffer, sizeof(ModReadBuffer)) == 8) { val1 = ModbusData(); delay(5000); }}

Below is ModbusData read function to read the data from Modbus. Here, when buffer is loaded with 8 byte of data, we have make make logic level High to low at the RE and DE terminal to get receipt of data to BufferValue variable to make data readable and can be printed over Serial Monitor of the ESP32 board. This serial data can be printed in Hex or Decimal format with Serial,Print(); with given augments.

byte ModbusData(){ byte i; digitalWrite(DE,HIGH); digitalWrite(RE,HIGH); delay(10); if(mod.write(ModReadBuffer,sizeof(ModReadBuffer))==8){ digitalWrite(DE,LOW); digitalWrite(RE,LOW); for(i=0;i<4;i++){ //Serial.print(,HEX); BufferValue[i] =; } if(BufferValue[1]!=255 && BufferValue[2]!=255 && BufferValue[2]!=255){ Serial.println("Serial Data received On:"); Serial.print("Modbus Buffer[1]="); Serial.println(BufferValue[1],DEC); Serial.print("Modbus Buffer[2]="); Serial.println(BufferValue[2],DEC); Serial.print("Modbus Buffer[3]="); Serial.println(BufferValue[3],DEC); Serial.println("");} // } } return BufferValue[8];}

Result With Video:

After uploading the Arduino Sketch to ESP32 Board, open the Serial Monitor Window and Monitor Serial data received from Modbus device.

ESP32 with MODBUS RTU RS485 Protocol Using Arduino IDE | (11)
ESP32 with MODBUS RTU RS485 Protocol Using Arduino IDE | (12)


In this user guide for ESP32 board with Arduino IDE, we have demonstrated how we can read the data from Modbus RTU device on ESP32 using SoftwareSerial libarary. Hope this tutorial is useful to understand the Basic concept of using Modbus RTU protocol with ESP32 board. Any doubts please share your feedback in the comment box.. Thanks!..

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ESP32 with MODBUS RTU RS485 Protocol Using Arduino IDE | (2024)


How to connect RS485 to ESP32? ›

The connections of the ESP32 board with the RS485 module are the same as NodeMCU. Just make sure to connect B and A of RS485 module (slave side) with B and A pins of RS485 module (master side) correctly. Next, the OLED has four pins that we will connect with the ESP32 board.

How to read RS485 data using Arduino? ›

Connecting RS-485 with Arduino

RS-485 Module can be connected to any microcontroller having serial port. For using RS-485 module with microcontrollers, a module called 5V MAX485 TTL to RS485 which is based on Maxim MAX485 IC is needed as it allows serial communication over long distance of 1200 meters.

Can you program ESP32 with Arduino IDE? ›

You can now begin writing code for your ESP32 in the Arduino IDE. You should make sure you always have the most recent version of the ESP32 Arduino core installed. Simply navigate to Tools > Board > Boards Manager, search for ESP32, and verify the version you have installed.

Does Arduino support RS485? ›

It is very easy to connect Arduino boards with RS485. There are cheap readily available, easy to use modules based on the Maxim Integrated MAX485 chip, and with the help of Visuino a graphical development environment for Arduino it is also very easy to program the communication.

How do I connect my Arduino to RS485? ›

For using RS-485 in Arduino, a module called 5V MAX485 TTL to RS485 which is based on Maxim MAX485 IC is needed as it allows serial communication over long distance of 1200 meters and it is bidirectional. In half duplex mode it has a data transfer rate of 2.

How to read RS485 data using ESP32? ›

To read this data we need to include SoftwaresSerial library at the start of code. Next, we need declare a variable for interfacing MAX485 TTL To RS4485 module RE and DE terminal with ESP32 board. RE is the 'Receiver Enable' pin and must be pulled low whenever you want to be able to receive data.

How to use RS485 TTL Modbus Arduino controller module? ›

Connecting RS-485 with Arduino

RS-485 Module can be connected to any microcontroller having serial port. For using RS-485 module with microcontrollers, a module called 5V MAX485 TTL to RS485 which is based on Maxim MAX485 IC is needed as it allows serial communication over long distance of 1200 meters.

How to configure ESP32 in Arduino IDE? ›

Installing ESP32 Add-on in Arduino IDE
  1. In your Arduino IDE, go to File> Preferences.
  2. Open the Boards Manager. Go to Tools > Board > Boards Manager…
  3. Search for ESP32 and press install button for the “ESP32 by Espressif Systems“:
  4. That's it. It should be installed after a few seconds.

What IDE should I use for ESP32? ›

If you're looking for a more advanced IDE to write your applications for the ESP32 and ESP8266 boards, VS Code with the PlatformIO IDE extension is a great option.

Can Arduino communicate with Modbus? ›

A lot of Arduino boards are Modbus compatible especially if you consider Ethernet-type messages. In case you want to communicate via RS485, MKR 485 Shields will help you convert any MKR board into a Modbus compatible device. Check out this tutorial to learn more about sending data between two MKR 485 Shields.

How to read modbus RS485? ›

How to read Modbus data?
  1. First, download Modbus Protocol Reader and install it on your machine.
  2. Launch the app, choose “Session > New session” on the menu.
  3. In the “New monitoring session” window that will appear, select the viewing modes that will show the serial data captured during the session.
Mar 23, 2020

How do you program an Arduino as a Modbus TCP IP client and server? ›

  1. Choose the appropriate Arduino hardware.
  2. Interconnect Arduino hardware with other add-on hardware.
  3. Write "C" applications to implement Modbus client and server functionality.
  4. Use software and hardware to test each application that you write.

Is RS485 same as Modbus RTU? ›

Is MODBUS the same as RS485? No, MODBUS and RS485 are not the same. The reason being that both protocols are related concepts, and work together to successfully function.

What is the difference between RS485 and Modbus? ›

Is Modbus the same as RS485? The answer is no, because both of these are relative concepts that need each other in order to fulfil their purposes. Modbus defines the protocol type and RS485 defines the signal level on the protocol.

What protocol does RS485 use? ›

RS-485 is still the most widely used protocol for POS, industrial, and telecom applications. The wide common-mode range enables data transmission over longer cable lengths and in noisy environments such as the floor of a factory.

How do I connect my RC receiver to my Arduino? ›

Insert binding plug in the receiver's BAT port (if you do not have one you can use female to female jumper and connect pin 1 and 3 of RX together) Connect pin 2 and 3 any row of the receiver to +5V and GND of arduino (providing 5v supply to receiver ) Power up the arduino !

Is RS485 the same as Ethernet? ›

First, Ethernet runs up to 1GB/s, while RS-485 is limited to 10MB/s. Further, Ethernet can Power over Ethernet (PoE), which enables power to the field device. In contrast, RS-485 can transmit longer distances, up to approximately 1500m, while industrial Ethernet is limited to about 100m.

How do I connect my RC remote to my Arduino? ›

This one is easy: connect the grounds between the two boards – GND on the Arduino to ground on the RC receiver ('right' pin in a 3-pin row). As with power it doesn't matter which row (channel) this connects to. Connecting the grounds is critical.

Can ESP32 read analog input? ›

The ESP32 DEVKIT V1 DOIT board (version with 30 pins) has 15 ADC pins you can use to read analog inputs. These pins have a resolution of 12 bits, which means you can get values from 0 to 4095. To read a value in the Arduino IDE, you simply use the analogRead() function.

How many pins is RS485? ›

Cable: RS-422/485 4-wire Full

Pins 3 and 9 are your Transmit pair, and they will connect to the RX/Receive pins of your remote or slave device(s). Pins 2 and 6 are your Receive pair, and they will connect to the TX/Transmit pins of your remote or slave device(s).

What is the difference between RS485 and dh485? ›

DH 485 is a protocol, like Modbus and DF-1 are protocols. RS485 is an electrical specification for the physical layer connections. They are not related or compatible.

Does RS485 need to be twisted pair? ›

Although RS-485 can be successfully transmitted using multiple types of media, it should be used with wiring commonly called "twisted pair."

Can RS485 work without ground? ›

The RS485 interface standard does not specify a ground wire, but such wire is needed to provide a return path for common mode currents and consequently reduce emissions. It may be possible to operate the RS485 loop without a ground wire, but such systems may radiate high levels of EMI.

Is RS485 obsolete? ›

Despite the fact that RS-485 is an older standard, it is still used in legacy systems as it is a robust protocol.

How to implement Modbus in microcontroller? ›

Application of MODBUS Protocol in Microcontrollers
  1. 1 Master – Slave communication in MODBUS.
  2. 2 Modbus OSI model. There are three popular MODBUS versions: ...
  3. 3 Modbus Frame. The only difference among the three MODBUS types is in how the messages are coded. ...
  4. 3 Serial transmission of “:” ASCII char.
  5. 4 MODBUS ASCII frame.
May 18, 2019

Can I connect RS485 to Ethernet? ›

By converting RS485 data signals into Ethernet (TCP or UDP) packets, and vice versa, they enable reliable data transmission to other devices or network server applications. This is accomplished by encapsulating the RS485 data in Ethernet packets in a manner that best fits the type of data being transported.

What cable should be used for RS485? ›

As the RS-485 system recommends 120 ohm cables, the BioStar devices have 120 ohm resistors on board. However, you may get good results to use CAT5~CAT6 cables for most applications.

How to upload to ESP32 Arduino IDE? ›

Close the Serial Monitor (if it is open) and click and hold the BOOT button on the ESP32 board while clicking on the Upload button on Arduino IDE. Once it identifies the chip, you can release the BOOT button and the code will be uploaded.

Do Arduino libraries work with ESP32? ›

This Arduino library supports Wifi Management for Esp32. This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an ESP32_C3 board to control multiple servo motors.

Is ESP32 more powerful than Arduino? ›

Yes, ESP32 is a better and more powerful microcontroller board than Arduino. ESP32 has inbuilt dual Wi-Fi and Bluetooth support. It has full TCP/IP support for full stack internet connection. Thanks to its Wi-Fi module it can act as an access point as well as a Wi-Fi station.

What are the disadvantages of ESP32? ›

ESP32-S2 Bugs & Limitations
  • I2C at 100 kHz bus frequency runs slowly. The default I2C bus clock speed is 100 kHz (100000) . ...
  • No DAC-based audio output. Current versions of the ESP-IDF SDK do not have the required APIs for DAC-based audio output. ...
  • Deep Sleep & Wake-up sources.

Is MicroPython better than Arduino? ›

Arduino is that there's less performance and sometimes more memory usage when interpreting code. A function or sketch written in Arduino will run as fast as possible on a board's CPU whereas similar code in MicroPython will be a little slower because it has to interpret every instruction and convert it to CPU code.

Does ESP32 have analog to digital converter? ›

The ESP32 integrates two 12-bit SAR (“Successive Approximation Register”) ADC (Analog to Digital Converters) and supports measurements on 18 channels (analog enabled pins). Some of these pins can be used to build a programmable gain amplifier which is used for the measurement of small analog signals.

How do I program my ESP32 Wroom? ›

Once you have plugged in the USB to Serial to the computer, make sure GND is connected to the IO0 pin. This will ensure, once the ESP32 is reset, boots into the programming mode. Then press the programming button. If everything was set up correctly you should have programmed the ESP32-WROOM successfully.

What is Wroom in ESP? ›

1 Overview. ESP32-WROOM-32 is a powerful, generic Wi-Fi + Bluetooth + Bluetooth LE MCU module that targets a wide variety of applications, ranging from low-power sensor networks to the most demanding tasks, such as voice encoding, music streaming and MP3 decoding. At the core of this module is the ESP32-D0WDQ6 chip*.

What is the difference between Modbus and Modbus? ›

M-Bus is available on a wide variety of gas, heat, electricity, and cold/hot water meters. interchangeable within the network. Wireless capability. MODBUS is widely available on electricity meters which is where the communication protocol was developed.

Is Modbus TCP the same as Modbus TCP IP? ›

Modbus TCP/IP (also Modbus-TCP) is simply the Modbus RTU protocol with a TCP interface that runs on Ethernet. The Modbus messaging structure is the application protocol that defines the rules for organizing and interpreting the data independent of the data transmission medium.

Is Modbus a 485 or 232? ›

Modbus Remote Monitoring and Control traditionally uses RS-232 and RS-485 Modbus communication protocols for collecting data from Modbus slaves. Of the two, Modbus using the RS-485 protocol is more common than RS-232 due to its support for multi-drop communication.

What is the difference between Modbus TCP and Modbus RTU? ›

The most basic difference between MODBUS RTU and MODBUS TCP/IP is that MODBUS TCP/IP runs on an Ethernet physical layer, and Modbus RTU is a serial level protocol. Modbus TCP/IP also uses a 6-byte header to allow routing. You can have a lot of issues trying to get the RS485 network to work correctly.

How to test Modbus RS485 communication? ›

Troubleshooting RS485 / Modbus RTU Wiring
  1. Check that communication settings parameters are correct (baud rate, etc).
  2. Check that the slave address matches with the id assigned in data logger.
  3. Check modbus wiring.
  4. Check for reversed polarity on RS485 lines. If uncertain, just try swapping them.

What is the voltage of Modbus RTU RS485? ›

Standard RS485 transceivers operate over a limited common mode voltage range that extends from –7V to 12V.

What hardware interface can be used for Modbus communication? ›

Network types including RS-485, RS-232, USB, and ethernet, can be used with Modbus.

Which communication protocol is used in Arduino? ›

UART, which stands for Universal Asynchronous Reception and Transmission, is a simple serial communication protocol that allows the host (Arduino) to communicate with serial devices. UART supports bidirectional, asynchronous and serial data transmission.

Can Modbus and Ethernet IP be on same network? ›

At a high level, yes the protocols are compatible. As long as everyone follows the Ethernet standard, you can use multiple protocols. IP can carry TCP, MODBUS or others.

How do I connect to RS485 network? ›

RS-485 is set up for four-wire communication by default. To connect a 2-wire device, you will need to short the transmit and receive signals together on the RS-485 port. Note that this is necessary to connect RJ45 (8-pin modular jack) ports to RJ50 (10-pin modular jack) ports.

How to connect RS485 to ESP8266? ›

Connect VCC and GND pins of RS485/UART TTL module to power supply. Connect ESP8266's RX pin to RS485/UART TTL module's RO pin. Connect ESP8266's TX pin to RS485/UART TTL module's DI pin. Connect ESP8266's IO2 pin to RS485/UART TTL module's DE and RE pins.

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Author: Terrell Hackett

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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

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Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.