Easy Oil Free Hummus Recipe (2024)

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The best oil free hummus recipe with chickpeas, creamy tahini, zesty lemon and aquafaba. Totally vegan, whole foods plant based, easy to make, healthy, smooth and creamy, ready in less than 5 minutes in your Vitamix .

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Simple blender hummus without oil, smoothest, fluffiest and creamiest hummus ever.

What is Hummus ?

A creamy delicious spread of Middle Easter and Mediterranean origins made from chickpeas, tahini, lemon and spices; the famous sister of baba ganoush! You can pretty much find it in every grocery store nowadays but there’s nothing like the homemade version.

Oil Free Hummus Ingredients:

  • Chickpeas or garbanzo beans. You can use canned or home cooked chickpeas in this recipe. Everything made from scratch is better so cook your own if you can, otherwise choose an organic canned low sodium brand.
  • Tahini or sesame butter, a paste made from tasted sesame seeds and traditionally found in hummus, baba ganoush and halva.
  • Aquafaba, the liquid the chickpeas were cooked in is a great oil replacement in this recipe. Not only that but its whipping abilities are quite amazing and definitely helps make your hummus fluffy and luxurious.
  • Lemon, freshly squeeze lemon juice is crucial as any of the store bought lemon juice out there tastes totally different than squeezing lemons.
  • Garlic makes everything better and so it definitely belongs in this recipe.
  • Cumin and Smoked Paprika are the traditional spices that give the human a smoky rich flavor.
  • Sea Salt brings all the flavors together without overpowering the lemon and spices.

What the Secret for Making the Best Hummus ?

Honestly the secret to creamy dips is in the blender or food processor. Your aquafaba, lemon juice and tahini paste go in first, followed by the spices and chickpeas. Blend until smooth and extra creamy.

If using a food processor you might need to stop and scrape down the sides. I used the Vitamix one full cycle on the smoothie setting and it was absolutely perfect and comes out creamier than using a processor.

Hummus FAQ

  • Does hummus need olive oil ? In spite of popular belief you really don’t need any oil to whip up a luscious and silky hummus. The perfect ratio of chickpeas to liquid and a powerful blender will guarantee a divine luxurious texture without adding any extra fat.
  • Can I eat hummus on a whole food plant based diet ? Only if it is oil-free such as the recipe below. Most store bought hummus brands contain lots of oil so make sure to read the ingredients list carefully.
  • Is hummus vegan ? 100% absolutely positively a vegan cruelty-free dip.
  • How can I make hummus thicker ? This recipe already yields a thick hummus, the simple blending process helps whip and fluff it even more. If you find that you accidentally added too much liquid you could correct that by adding a little bit more tahini and a few more chickpeas. Blend again until the desired texture is achieved.
  • Can you freeze homemade hummus ? Absolutely you can freeze hummus, just make sure to store in lidded air-tight containers that are freezer-safe. Thaw out overnight in the refrigerator.
  • Is hummus fattening or good fro you ? Considering that this recipe is oil-free and a whole food, this is most definitely a good for you healthy eating option. The store bought brands contain quite a bit of fat so best to make your own.
  • Do you need to peel the chickpeas for smooth hummus ? I personally never peel the chickpeas because i make it in the Vitamix and so everything comes out buttery smooth. I don’t even need to strain my cashew milk ever. However, if you are using a not so powerful blender or a smaller food processor it might be worth peeling the chickpeas first but will definitely add a good 10 minutes or so to your work load.

Hummus Recipe Variations:

  • drizzle with chimichurri
  • add 1 roasted red bell pepper, 1/2 roasted beet or 1/2 tsp beet powder to the original recipe
  • mix in 3/4 cup chopped artichoke hearts
  • 1 avocado + freshly squeezed lime juice
  • jalapeno + cilantro
  • 1/4 cup chopped Kalamata olives
  • top with Zacusca roasted vegetable spread
  • garnish with a swirl of this roasted red pepper sauce.

P.S. If you make this recipe please come back here to rate it, snap a photo and tag me with #VeggieSociety on Instagram, it always makes my day ~ Florentina Xo’s

how to make smooth oil free hummus from scratch:

Easy Oil Free Hummus Recipe (8)

5 from 3 votes

Easy Oil Free Hummus

The best oil-free hummus recipe with chickpeas, creamy tahini, zesty lemon and aquafaba. Totally vegan, whole foods plant based, easy to make, healthy, smooth and creamy, ready in less than 5 minutes in your Vitamix .

Print Recipe

Prep Time:2 minutes mins

Cook Time:3 minutes mins

Total Time:5 minutes mins


  • 15 oz canned chickpeas
  • 3 tbsp tahini
  • 1/3 cup aquafaba + more as needed
  • 2-3 cloves garlic
  • 1 lemon juiced
  • 1/2 tsp smoked paprika
  • 1/2 tsp cumin
  • sea salt to taste (aprox. 1/2 tsp)
  • sesame seeds for garnish optional

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  • Add the aquafaba, lemon juice, tahini, garlic, paprika, cumin and chickpeas plus the sea salt to your Vitamix (a powerful blender or food processor). Process until smooth and creamy adding extra aquafaba or lemon juice in tiny amounts if needed. You might want to use the tamper to push the chickpeas into the blades but i did not need to do this.

  • Use a spatula to scoop out all the hummus and transfer to a bowl. Sprinkle with smoked paprika, sesame seeds and some green herbs on top.

    Easy Oil Free Hummus Recipe (9)


  • If using a different type of blender or a food processor and not a Vitamix, you might need to add a little extra liquid. Start by adding one tablespoon at the time of aquafaba until desired consistency is achieved.


Calories: 172kcal | Carbohydrates: 20g | Protein: 8g | Fat: 8g | Saturated Fat: 1g | Sodium: 302mg | Potassium: 242mg | Fiber: 6g | Sugar: 1g | Vitamin A: 139IU | Vitamin C: 15mg | Calcium: 63mg | Iron: 2mg

Course: Appetizer

Cuisine: Mediterranean

Keyword: hummus, plant based, vegan appetizers

Servings: 4 people

Calories: 172kcal

Author: Florentina

Vegan Appetizers:

Easy Oil Free Hummus Recipe (2024)


What can I substitute for olive oil in hummus? ›

The 9 Best Olive Oil Substitutions
  • Grapeseed Oil. Grapeseed oil isa neutral-tasting oil, so it won't add any noticeable flavor to your food. ...
  • Canola Oil. Canola oil is another neutral oil made from crushed canola seeds. ...
  • Sunflower Oil. ...
  • Peanut Oil. ...
  • Avocado Oil. ...
  • Walnut Oil. ...
  • Flaxseed Oil. ...
  • Sesame Oil.

Do you need olive oil for hummus? ›

No, not really. But, you don't really need olive oil in hummus especially if you are using tahini. The tahini has all of the oil that you need to make a smooth hummus. And remember that olives are brined before they are edible and so will bring other tastes that are not present in olive oil.

What is the primary ingredient in hummus answer? ›

Chickpeas, hummus's main ingredient, give you protein, good-for-you carbs, and fiber. Like other members of the legume family, they routinely top lists of the world's healthiest foods.

What can I add to hummus to make it taste better? ›

Next, enhance the blank slate of flavor with a few squeezes of lemon juice, a sprinkling of garlic salt, a turn of freshly cracked pepper, a heavy-handed sprinkle of paprika, and a generous drizzle of your nicest olive oil. Bonus points if you have an herby olive oil on hand with a little color to it.

What can be substituted for oil in a recipe? ›

  1. Melted Butter.
  2. Avocado.
  3. Unsweetened Applesauce.
  4. Greek Yogurt.
  5. Shortening.
  6. Coconut Oil.
  7. Bacon Grease.
  8. Nut Butters.
Nov 3, 2023

What oils to avoid in hummus? ›

Most hummus you buy in a supermarket is made with either soybean oil or sunflower oil. Both of these are highly processed and can be inflammatory. Look at the label and find hummus made with extra-virgin olive oil for the most health benefits (not to mention flavor – good olive oil is like a fine wine).

What thickens hummus? ›

If , for some reason, you ended up using more liquid than you should have or if you still want a thicker consistency, you can add a bit more tahini. And if you chill the hummus for an hour or so before adding any garnish, that should help as well.

Why is homemade hummus not creamy? ›

You might need more tahini, garlic, lemon and/or salt and very likely more chickpea water. Add a bit of each as you need, the recipe explains. "Blitz the hummus until very smooth, a few minutes at least. Don't worry about the hummus being too loose; it will thicken as it sits."

Is hummus good to eat everyday? ›

Hummus is a truly nutritious snack that is good to include in your daily diet in moderation and when combined with a diverse range of food. Hummus can be a part of the daily diet if consumed in moderation, and the rest of the diet contains a diverse range of foods.

What bacteria grows on hummus? ›

Hummus is very nutritious, but has a high water activity that supports the growth of several microorganisms, including spoilage microorganisms like Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella, and Escherichia coli [6]. In addition, it is susceptible to microbial cross-contamination during preparation and post-processing [3].

What is authentic hummus made from? ›

Say farewell to mediocre store-bought hummus—my hummus recipe guarantees a creamy, whipped, flavor-packed spread, ideal for scooping with pita or as a standout on any Middle Eastern table. Hummus is a Middle Eastern spread made from a blend of chickpeas, tahini, lemon juice, olive oil, garlic, and spices.

Why is my homemade hummus tasteless? ›

You're Not Using Enough/The Right Tahini

The one ingredient that gives hummus its undeniable richness, depth of flavor, and subtle nuttiness is tahini. This means that the final product depends on the amount of tahini that you add and the brand of tahini that you're using.

What is a good substitute for tahini in hummus? ›

If you feel adventurous, try replacing the tahini with an equal amount of peanut butter, sunflower seed butter, Greek yogurt, chopped roasted peppers, pitted olives, roasted beets, steamed sweet potato, avocado, or thawed frozen peas, to name just a few possibilities.

Why do you put baking soda in hummus? ›

To make an exceptionally creamy hummus you need to remove the skins from the chic peas. Those skins are held in place by pectin which is acidic. Baking soda (alkaline) neutralizes the pectin enabling the skins to fall off the peas and float to the surface of the simmering water by the tens of thousands.

What does olive oil do in hummus? ›

Garlic: Adds a pungent kick and depth of flavor. Cumin and Cayenne Pepper: These spices provide earthiness and a slight heat, respectively. Extra-Virgin Olive Oil: Olive oil adds richness, smoothness, and a fruity aroma to the hummus. It also helps in blending the ingredients into a cohesive mixture.

Why put olive oil on hummus? ›

The majority of American hummus recipes call for blending in olive oil, which makes the hummus creamier and also gives it a dip-like consistency. Even so, in traditional recipes, that's what the tahini and water are for.

What is a substitute for olive oil in tahini? ›

You might try peanut butter, hazel nut, almond, cashew or sunflower seed butters if you are allergic to or don't like ground sesame seed paste (tahini). I have heard that plain olive oil is okay also, add a bit of cumin however this wouldn't work as a substitute in my recipe which already calls for olive oil and cumin.

Can I substitute avocado oil for olive oil in hummus? ›

It's part of the authentic flavor of this hummus recipe. You can grind your own sesame seeds in a Vitamix or food processor to make tahini if you have some on hand. Olive Oil. Avocado or canola oil can be used in place of olive oil.

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