Tartine Sourdough Country Loaf Bread Recipe (2024)

I call this batch number 33 of the Tartine sourdough country bread recipe, while itmay actually be my thirty-third pair of these I'm not 100% positive. I know for sure it can't be any less, but it's probably more. On to the entry.

Another Sunday, another pair of Tartine sourdough country loaves shaped and proofing. My family has come to expect this bread to be on hand during the week, and in the rare case where we have to buy some bread from the grocery store, we are always disappointed. Baking bread is a relatively simple act when you boil it down, and yet getting that perfect loaf out of the oven does not always work out — but I still strive forward.

If you're brand new to baking sourdough, read my Beginner's Sourdough recipe post first, it has longer in-depth explanations on every step in the baking process!

Sunday started out a bit lazy; waking in the later morning after attending a friend's birthday party the night before. I stumbled into the kitchen and took a look outside to see completely clear skies—a good sign a warm day was ahead. Given the rising temperature, I knew Sunday would be a day of quick dough handling and preparation. As you can see, even my German shepherd Arya (yes, that Arya) was a bit lazy this morning. I suppose too many rabbits, pigeons, and tennis balls chased the day before; oh, what a life.

Although the leaven was prepared later than usual on Saturday night, it was ready to go (left-hand side image below). As you can see, the bubbles on top indicate there was significant fermentation activity overnight, and judging by the smell (like ripe fruit, almost a hint of vinegar), hopefully, it didn't go too far.

Over my starter's lifetime, I've experimented with using different flour and grains and have settled on a formula that my particular strain seems to thrive on. Instead of following Chad Robinson's Tartine starter formula in his book where he feeds 50% whole wheat, and 50% all-purpose, I feed my starter 100% rye flour. I've found that my starter shows noticeable activity when fed rye exclusively. If you're interested in reading about how to create and manage a sourdough starter like mine, head over there and read on.

Also, if you're one who frequents Instagram, head over and check out my Instagram feed. I typically post many “daily bakes” and those behind-the-scenes shots that sometimes don't make it into these posts!

Tartine Sourdough Country Bread Recipe

Prepare the leaven – 12:00 a.m.

The night before you plan to prepare your dough, mix the following, lightly cover, and set out on the counter overnight:

WeightIngredientBaker's Percentage
31gMature sourdough starter (100% hydration)28%
110gWhole Wheat Flour100%

Mix the flour + water, autolyse – 9:00 a.m.

For this loaf, I decided to try and tweak the whole wheat to white bread flour percentages. I still wanted some of the WW taste and texture, but a bit more “white” in this loaf. Due to the WW reduction (from the last Tartine recipe), I've also reduced the amount of water to 79%.

Note thatthis is not a traditional “autolyse,” which only has water and flour mixed, but this is how Chad performs this step in Tartine—let's follow suit for this bake. In my more recent baking adventures, I no longer mix flour, water, and levain for this step.

Gather the following:

  1. 250g of your new leaven
  2. 300g whole wheat flour(I'm currently usingGreat River Organicwhole wheat flour)
  3. 700g unbleached all-purpose white flour(King Arthur)
  4. 20g salt
  5. 740g water and 50g water (reserved for step 5, below)


  1. Add 250g leaven to your large mixing bowl
  2. Pour in 740g water and mix with your hands until the leaven is completely dispersed
  3. Add 700g white flour and 300g whole wheat flour and mix with your hand until all the dry bits of flour are gone
  4. Cover your bowl with a towel, or if in a dry climate, plastic wrap and let autolyse for 30 minutes
  5. After 30 minutes, add 20g salt on top of the dough and slowly pour the remaining 50g of your reserved water on top. Squeeze the dough with your hand to incorporate the salt throughout
  6. Now reach your hand under the dough and pull the side up and over onto itself. Continue to do this as you spin the bowl; grab, pull, and push. Do this just until the dough comes together and becomes super sticky. Generally, this will only be between 5-10 turns
  7. Transfer your dough to your plastic or glass container, set a timer for 30 minutes

Next, we tackle the bulk fermentation step.

Bulk Fermentation

At this stage, we want to do four sets of turns, plus 1 – 2 hours of rest on the counter.A “turn” consists of reaching under your dough, grab the bottom and pull up the dough on top of itself. Do this four times, one of each side of your container (if it's square, that is). Additionally, you want to do this rather vigorously. The stretch up and down on itself is what gives the dough strength.

  1. 10:10 a.m. – Turn 1
  2. 10:40 a.m. – Turn 2
  3. 11:10 a.m. – Turn 3
  4. 11:40 a.m. – Turn 4
  5. 11:40 a.m. to 1:40pm – Rest on Counter

Pre-shape – 1:40 p.m.

When the dough has risen about 20-30%, and you see a bunch of little air pockets throughout, it's ready for pre-shaping. Take the dough out of the container onto your *unfloured* work surface.

Sprinkle some flour on top of your dough and divide into two halves. Take a half, flip it over and pull each of 4 edges from under onto the top. Then, flip the folded dough over, so the seam is on your work surface. You want to form loose boules here by using your hand and your dough knife. Your work surface grabs the bottom of the dough slightly as you spin the dough around to make a little ball. Repeat with the other half and cover (I cover with two inverted mixing bowls) for 30 minutes.

Shape – 2:10 p.m.

The resting dough should have spread out, but not quite into a pancake shape. If it has formed a pancake, you can strengthen it by pre-shaping one more time and waiting another 40 minutes.

Flour the top of one of the boules and flip it over with your lightly floured hand and dough knife. Take the part of the dough that's closest to you and fold it up and over in half. Take the part that's to the right, stretch it out as far as it will stretch, and fold it up and to the left. Repeat with the left side and the side of the dough farthest from you. Then take the edge that's closest to you, pull it up and over again towards the back. When performing this last motion, you will lift the entire dough up and over until the seam side is now down on your work surface.

Spin the dough using your two hands to shape into a boule. As you slightly pick up the dough and spin it, the bottom snags the unfloured work surface and creates tension. I do this several times to create a very taught surface on the top of the boule. Sometimes small air bubbles will be visible.

If you'd like to shape this dough as a batard instead of a boule, check out my batard shaping guide.

Proof – 2:20 p.m.

Place towels into small mixing bowls or proofing baskets and dust with white rice flour. These bowls will hold the dough as they proof in the fridge overnight.Take your taught boules and place them into the floured bowls with the seam *up* facing you. I place each of my bowls into plastic bags and then into the fridge.

Score + Bake – 9:00 a.m.

Gather your tools:

  1. Lame (blade) for scoring
  2. Parchment paper
  3. Pizza peel
  4. Baking stone
  5. Oven mitts
  6. Lodge Combo Cooker

Speaking of tools, if you'd like to see all the tools, I use when baking head over to my tools page and take a look.

The first of these sourdough loaves was retarded for 18 hours. The Tartine formula lists an 8-hourcool fermentation in the fridge but 18-20 hours seems to be the sweet spot for me as my bread takes on a complex flavor with this extended fermentation time. It also seems to help open up the crumb more than what you would typically see; I strive for that light and soft interior.

In the morning you first want to get your oven ready. I place the rack in the bottom third of the oven. Turn your oven on to 450°F (230°C) and let it preheat.

Once your oven is preheated, get your dough ready. I bake this dough straight from the refrigerator—no warmup time is necessary. Take one of your loaves out of the fridge, cut a circular piece of parchment paper, and place it on top of the bowl. I then place a pizza peel on top of the parchment paper (and bowl) and invert the whole thing quickly to get the dough out of the bowl and onto the paper + peel.Get your razor blade out and score the top of the loaf to allow the bread to expand while rising in the oven. For these sets of loaves, I scored one with my “Roman numeral three” pattern and the other with a single long slash.

Quickly take out the shallow half of your hot combo cooker and drag in the parchment paper and dough.

Cover with the other half of the combo cooker and bake for 20 minutes with the lid on. After this time, open the oven and lift off the combo cooker lid (you can leave it in the oven to the side), close the oven, and bake for an additional 35 minutes. These times and temps are a drastic change from the Tartine book, but I've found them necessary due to my elevation and climate. I want the crust to be nice and dark brown.

After pulling the loaves from the oven, I cool them on a wire rack for at least one hour before cutting into them. Cutting too soon can cause the crust to harden drastically and the inside to become quite dense. Easier said than done, however.

Tartine Sourdough Country Loaf Bread Recipe (8)

What a pair of beautiful loaves this morning. There's no doubt the lazy Sunday morning/afternoon turned out to be a success in the kitchen, and this Tartine sourdough country bread recipe couldn't be more delicious.

Buon appetito!

Now that you've attempted this recipe try your hand at thehigher hydration version for a bit more challenge, and an even better tasting loaf!

If you use this recipe, tag @maurizio on Instagram so I can take a look!

Tartine Sourdough Country Loaf Bread Recipe (2024)


What is so special about tartine bread? ›

A substantial, dark, blistered loaf containing a voluptuous, wildly open crumb with the sweet character of natural fermentation and a subtle, balanced acidity. A loaf that provides honest nourishment through long fermentation and superlative ingredients.

What brand of flour does tartine use? ›

We stone mill our Trailblazer from a unique blend of locally-raised hard red spring wheats. It's a very versatile flour, making it a great starting point for folks that are just getting into baking. Its exceptional flavor makes it the go-to flour for bakers at Tartine, Essential, Grand Central Baking and Macrina, too.

Is tartine the same as sourdough? ›

Tartine breads are sourdough breads made like most other sourdoughs with subtle differences. I own one of the books and have made a few loaves. The process differs from that of other sourdoughs I make in these ways. A smaller amount of sourdough starter is used than normally used in sourdough recipes.

What hydration is tartine country loaf? ›

We can rewrite Chad's Country Loaf formula (on p. 48 of his book) to include the breakout of the leaven, above: With the leaven broken out, we can more easily see that the Total Formula hydration is 77%, just as you mentioned. Also interesting is that the Total Formula salt is 1.83%.

What is the most delicious bread in the world? ›

World's best breads: the list of winners
  • Butter garlic naan (India)
  • Nan-e barbari (Iran)
  • Pan de yuca (Colombia)
  • Focaccia di Recco col formaggio (Italy)
  • Baguette (France)
  • Naan (India)
  • Piadina Romagnola (Italy)
  • Tarte flambée (France)
Oct 4, 2023

What hydration is Tartine sourdough? ›

My typical hydration for sourdough is 75%, but Tartine goes even past 90% hydration! My earlier forays into 90%+ hydration were a little discouraging. I produced pretty flat loaves that, though possessed of a really open crumb, didn't have much vertical rise.

Is country bread the same as sourdough? ›

You can translate the French "Pain De Campagne" as a Country Loaf. It generally refers to a loaf of sourdough with a thick, chewy crust and moderately open crumb. Country loaves almost always contain some whole wheat flour, although the ratio of bread flour to whole wheat flour is really up to the baker.

What is the best sourdough flour? ›

The best flour blend for creating a new sourdough starter is 50% whole-meal flour (whole wheat or whole rye) and 50% bread flour or all-purpose flour. I recommend a 50/50 mix of whole wheat flour and bread flour.

Can you buy starter from tartine? ›

No, we do not sell starter, but we do have recipes in our books and on our social media to help you make your own!

Is Supermarket sourdough bread real sourdough? ›

The majority of sourdough breads found on supermarket shelves are made to traditional long-fermentation methods with natural ingredients and are free of commercial yeast or additives,” he says.

Is grocery store sourdough real sourdough? ›

Despite the fact that traditional sourdough ingredients are flour, water, and salt, many store-bought versions include added yeast, ascorbic acid, vinegar, and oil. So, although many grocery stores may carry bread labeled “sourdough”, more often than not they are in fact fake sourdough.

Why is my sourdough loaf so wet? ›

This is mainly because sourdough is higher hydration, meaning it contains more water. While sourdough is a wetter, stickier dough than what you may be used to, it should still be able to be stretched, folded and shaped without too many issues.

How many calories are in a tartine country loaf? ›

There are 90 calories in 1 slice (50 g) of Tartine Country Bread.

How do you fold tartine bread? ›

Take one round, and starting at the side closest to you, pull the bottom 2 corners of the dough down toward you, then fold them up into the middle third of the dough. Repeat this action on the right and left sides, pulling the edges out and folding them in over the center.

What is the difference between tartine and toast? ›

The French call them tartines, the Americans Toasts and the Italians Bruschetta. The Webster Dictionary defines them as: an open sandwich, one with a rich or elaborate topping. No matter what you call them, we all seem to love them! I love serving Tartines as a heavier passed appetizer at parties.

What is the story behind Tartine Bakery? ›


Bring bread with an old-soul into the lives of our friends in California. Using a wood fired brick oven, Chad Robertson baked bread and Elisabeth Prueitt created rustic, elegant pastries using many of the techniques they had learned abroad.

How do you eat tartine bread? ›

Because they're infinitely variable—you can top them with just about anything to be sweet or savory. In France, it's customary to enjoy tartines with butter or jam alongside coffee for breakfast and a savory smear of pate come lunchtime.

What makes something a tartine? ›

Basically it's a French word for an open-faced sandwich. Tartines can be small or large, eaten for breakfast or lunch.

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