Genciana (2024)

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Genciana (1)

Familia: Gentianaceae

Nombre popular: Genciana amarilla, Gengiba

Genciana (2)Historia

Genciana nombre latino que deriva, según Plinio y Dioscórides, de enthios nombre del último rey de los Labéates de Illiria, quien en el siglo IIa.C., habría sido el primero en descubrir las propiedades y el poder curativo de la planta.

Lutea deriva del latín luteus que significa "amarillo". Dioscórides, Plinio, Celsio y Galeno, conocían muy bien las propiedades de la raíz de la genciana, que era considerada como un potente remedio contra las mordeduras de animales venenosos, contra el mal de hígado, y de estómago, los calambres y las fiebres. Leonard Fuchs escribía en el siglo XVI: "En resumen, la raíz de la genciana, y su jugo suprimen toda forma de estreñimiento. Es una panacea contra el envenenamiento y un remedio extraordinario para los estómagos delicados."

Genciana (3)Características botánicas

La genciana es una hermosa planta vivaz, que puede vivir un máximo de 60 años, con una raíz cilíndrica, larga, carnosa, esponjosa, ramificada y amarillenta, que durante el primer año produce una roseta de largas hojas elípticas. El tallo de aproximadamente 1 m, es cilíndrico y erguido, con hojas opuestas, grandes, enteras y envolventes. A partir del décimo año, la planta crece en altura. Las flores, visibles, entre junio y agosto, numerosas y de amarillo vivaz, se agrupan en racimos en la axila de las hojas superiores. El fruto es una cápsula ovalada con cuatro ángulos redondeados que contiene un gran número de semillas aplanadas.

Genciana (4)Hábitat

La genciana es una planta que crece en las montañas y se encuentra en gran parte de Europa, en altitudes comprendidas entre los 700 y 2500 metros. Se encuentra en los pre- Alpes y los Alpes, en las montañas de Europa Central y Meridional y también en Asia Menor. La genciana amarilla es el único tipo de planta que se puede cultivar para extraer la droga.

Genciana (5)Uso

Laboratorio Bioforce utiliza las raíces frescas de las plantas de varios años en cultivos silvestres, para producir una tintura madre alcohólica. Para los preparados se desentierran las raíces en primavera y en otoño, y se utilizan rápidamente para evitar la fermentación. Las raíces fermentadas, que son más aromáticas pero menos eficaces, sirven para la fabricación de orujo de genciana y de otros licores amargos.

En A.Vogel colaboramos con La Sociedad Española de Fitoterapia: SEFIT Genciana (6)

Genciana (2024)


Does gentian violet cure toenail fungus? ›

Another remedy that stains the nail and the toe is the antifungal gentian violet: “I have used gentian violet with great success. It does dye your toe purple, but with nail fungus I was not wearing open-toe shoes anyway. You can get this online or at the pharmacy. It's cheap and effective.”

What is the purple liquid for athlete's foot? ›

Gentian violet is an antiseptic dye used to treat fungal infections of the skin (such as ringworm, athlete's foot).

Do gentians come back every year? ›

Gentians can be perennial, annual, or biennial. All of the species are herbaceous plants that grow mostly upright and have leaves with smooth margins. The trumpet-shaped flowers can be single blooms or in inflorescences.

Is gentian root good for you? ›

The root of the plant and, less commonly, the bark are used to make medicine. Gentian is used for digestion problems such as loss of appetite, bloating, diarrhea, and heartburn. It is also used for fever and to prevent muscle spasms. Gentian is applied to the skin for treating wounds and cancer.

What kills toenail fungus permanently? ›

Instead of medications or debridement, Dr. Frankel offers a laser therapy treatment with an 80% success rate at permanently treating nail fungus. It's painless and performed in-office with three 10-minute procedures every four weeks. For some patients, additional treatments may be required.

What is the number one cure for toenail fungus? ›

Itraconazole cures toenail fungus about 60% of the time. Side effects can include headaches, stomach upset, and respiratory infection. People usually take itraconazole once a day for 6 to 12 weeks.

What kills foot fungus fast? ›

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide can effectively kill the fungus on the surface level of the foot, as well as any surface bacteria that could cause an infection. Pour hydrogen peroxide directly onto the affected area. Note that it may sting, and it should bubble, especially if you have open wounds.

Why is gentian violet banned? ›

Gentian violet is on the Proposition 65 list because it can cause cancer. Exposure to gentian violet may increase the risk of cancer. Proposition 65 requires businesses to determine if they must provide a warning about significant exposure to listed chemicals.

What does Vicks vapor rub do for foot fungus? ›

Topical treatment with Vicks VapoRub: The combination of camphor, eucalyptus oil, and menthol, the three main ingredients in Vicks VapoRub, is believed to stop the growth of certain fungi. Follow the same application process as for tea tree oil. Numerous readers swear by this.

What is the common name for gentian? ›

Common Name(s)

Gentian also is known as stemless gentian, yellow gentian, bitter root, bitterwort, felwort, pale gentian, wild gentian, gall weed, gentiana, Radix Gentianae Lutea.

What is the flavor of gentian? ›

Both the gentian plant and the liqueurs have a distinct dusty, bittersweet scent and flavor which could be described as fresh soil, dandelion, citrus pith, anise, tarragon, and acetone with the earthy mustiness of root herbs.

What is the life cycle of a gentian? ›

Green gentian, formally Frasera speciosa (it also goes by the common name monument plant), is known for the notable habit of growing for many years as a large basal rosette and then producing a tall stalk of flowers, but only once. The plants die immediately after setting seed.

Who should not take gentian root? ›

Additionally, gentian extract has been shown to decrease blood pressure in rats ( 15 ). This evidence does not necessarily apply to humans. However, individuals who have low blood pressure or are taking medications to reduce blood pressure should stay on the safe side and avoid gentian root.

What drinks have gentian root? ›

Beyond its presence in the wine-based aperitifs mentioned above, gentian is also found in spirit-based amari including Amaro Lucano, Fernet-Branca, Nardini Amaro, Ramazzotti, and Unicum/Zwack. Plus it is almost certainly an ingredient in the secret recipes for Aperol and Campari.

What are side effects of gentian? ›

Gentian side effects

Although not all side effects are known, gentian is thought to be likely safe for most people when taken by mouth in small amounts as part of a combination product. Common side effects may include: stomach discomfort; and. skin rash.

What kills toenail fungus the fastest? ›

If you want to get rid of a toenail fungus quickly, you will likely need to see a doctor for prescription medication such as fluconazole (Diflucan). Natural remedies may be able to relieve your symptoms, but there isn't certainty that they will work, and even if they do, it will likely take longer.

What dissolves toenail fungus? ›

To treat toenail fungus, soak the affected toe in a bowl of Listerine for 30 minutes daily. Vinegar: The antifungal and antibacterial properties in vinegar can hinder fungi growth and skin infections. Soak the infected toe in a vinegar solution for up to 20 minutes daily.

How long does it take for gentian violet to work? ›

8) There is often some relief within hours of the first treatment, and the pain is usually gone or virtually gone by the third day. If it is not, it is unlikely that Candida was the problem, though it seems Candida albicans is starting to show some resistance to gentian violet, as it is to other antifungal agents.

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.