Eduardo Kingman Riofrío (1913-1997) | Municipio de Loja (2024)

Connotado pintor, dibujante, grabador y muralista Lojano, Kingman es considerado uno de los maestros del expresionismo ecuatoriano. En sus cuadros impregnó el realismo social.

Nació en Loja el 3 de Febrero de 1913. Fue hijo de un médico norteamericano que trabajaba en las minas de Portovelo y de la lojana Rosa Riofrío. Desde muy joven vivió en Guayaquil con su madre y hermanos, luego viajó a Quito para inscribirse y estudiar en la Escuela de Bellas Artes.

Su primer trabajo como pintor y naturalista lo efectuó en una de las paredes de la hacienda "La Granja", propiedad de Benjamín Carrión. El gran maestro de las artes plásticas conquistó fama continental por notables obras como: Los Guandos, El Obrero Muerto, La Hora obscura, La Muda de la flor, Mundo sin respuesta, entre otras.

Participó en muchísimas exportaciones y galería de arte en algunas partes del mundo. Por su brillante carrera se hizo acreedor a los premios: el Carbonero, Gabriela Mistral y Eugenio Espejo. Kingman es el pintor de las manos, a decir de sus colegas y entendidos en el arte. Nadie como él supo encontrar en ellas, toda la simbolización de los más variados sentimientos humanos: angustia, ternura, piedad, ira, impotencia e injusticia. Su profundo humanismo irrenunciable compromiso de luchador incansable por las nobles causas a través de la denuncia de su arte visual, concebido desde una conceptualización filosófica y percepción existencialistas de signo trascendente y reinvindicador de la dignidad de derechos y libertades del ser humano, es reconocido también. Murió el Jueves 27 de noviembre de 1997, a los 84 años de edad.

Eduardo Kingman Riofrío (1913-1997) | Municipio de Loja (2024)


Why was Eduardo Kingman important? ›

Eduardo Kingman was an Ecuadorian artist whose paintings depicted the people of his country with stylized forms and vibrant colors. He was a renowned social activist and outspoken author of socially conscious literature.

Who was depicted mostly in Kingman's art? ›

Kingman distinguished himself in the 1930s through his powerful renditions of indigenous workers depicted in a monumental style.

Who founded Kingman? ›

Located in a natural basin, surrounded by basaltic hills it is ironic that Kingman was not established as a mining town but as a railroad town. In 1880, Lewis Kingman surveyed along the Atlantic and Pacific right of way between Needles and Albuquerque. By 1883 the track was completed.

What is the history of Kingman High School? ›

The pride and history of Kingman High School dates back to 1917, originally named Mohave Union High School. The Grandview campus was renamed Kingman High School in 1970 and the school moved to our current campus in 1994. Kingman High School is dedicated to providing a diverse, high quality, education.

Who is the artist that is considered as the most famous for his vividly colored portraits of celebrities but his subject matter has varied widely throughout his career? ›

Andy Warhol is known for his bright, colourful paintings and prints of subjects ranging from celebrities including Marilyn Monroe and Mohammed Ali, to everyday products such as cans of soup and Brillo pads. But behind these iconic images are some surprising approaches and ideas.

Which artist is known for his famous depictions of life in America? ›

Edward Hopper (July 22, 1882 – May 15, 1967) was an American realist painter and printmaker. He is one of America's most renowned artists and known for his skill in capturing American life and landscapes through his art.

Who is the artist famous for his imaginative oddities in paintings? ›

Giuseppe Arcimboldo was an Italian painter best known for creating imaginative portrait heads made entirely of objects such as fruits, vegetables, flowers, fish and books. These works form a distinct category from his other productions.

Why was Charles Alston important? ›

Charles Henry Alston (1907-1977) was an influential painter of the Harlem Renaissance and the first African American supervisor for the Works Progress Administration. He managed the WPA murals created at Harlem Hospital, leading a staff of thirty-five artists and assistants.

When was the city of Kingman founded? ›

Founded in 1882 as an Atlantic and Pacific Railroad town, the city was named for railroad surveyor Lewis Kingman. Christened as the Mohave County seat in 1887, it grew into an important supply and shipping center for miners and ranchers in western Arizona.

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.