DIN Rail Mounting Setup for Weighing Systems & Load Cells (2024)

At Load Cell Central, we offer a wide selection of DIN rail mountable products. Convenient, efficient, and cost-effective, DIN rail mounting systems are used in the setup of many weighing systems.

A DIN rail is a metal rail widely used for mounting industrial control equipment. In fact, it is so widely used that it is considered to be a core part of a global industry standard rail mounting system in equipment cabinets.

A DIN rail is typically made from rolled carbon steel with a zinc or chrome finish. DIN rails are meant for the physical support of electronic equipment and are not used to conduct electricity. DIN rails are used to mount equipment such as circuit breakers, power supplies, indicators, signal conditioners, and so on. Mounting typically occurs, as previously stated, in an electrical equipment cabinet but is not limited to that setup.

There are many advantages to a DIN rail mounting system for hardware. For starters, they save time and work. All components easily snap or slide into position on the rail as opposed to having to separately mount each component. DIN rails also save space by allowing equipment to be mounted tightly together in an organized fashion and allow for internal and external wiring circuits to be brought together. Finally, being part of a universal standard DIN rails provide installers with guaranteed uniformity across the board for electronic hardware. The cross-brand compatibility enables consumers to design their own system without having to stick to a particular brand or model.

DIN Rail Mounting Setup for Weighing Systems & Load Cells (1)

DIN Rail Mounting Setup for Weighing Systems & Load Cells (2)

By Dara Trent, Technical Content Director

With Load Cell Central since 2017, Dara works directly with our engineers and technicians writing accurate, relevant content to serve and inform our customers. In addition to content writing, she also manages our graphic design and internet marketing.

DIN Rail Mounting Setup for Weighing Systems & Load Cells (2024)
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