Vegan Potato Soup Recipe (2024)

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Easy vegan potato soup recipe with carrots, healthy leeks, celery and green peas. It’s creamy, savory and good for you with a lovely Tuscan vibe from fresh rosemary. A simple stove top comforting veggie stew for all seasons.

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Vegan Potato Soup

This creamy vegetable soup features a delicious savory profile of gold potatoes and leeks balanced by the sweetness of the carrots and green peas. It’s technically a fusion between my vegan leek potato soup and a fresh interpretation of the green split pea soup. It’s thick, hearty and nutritious, creamy but also chunky like a stew, everything you can dream of on a chili fall or winter day. Bonus points for being dairy free, gluten free without any flour or thickeners. Simple clean ingredients packed with rich flavor and nutrients.

Besides the leeks, the depth of flavor and Tuscan vibe comes from a generous use of fresh woodsy rosemary. You definitely want to know it’s there but in a more tamed slow cooked version. That flavor that lingers on the palette just long enough to make one wonder what it is…

About the Potatoes

Beautifully golden potatoes with their thin tender skins and waxy flesh is what you want to be using here. Not only does the waxy texture help with the silkiness of the soup but also helps the chunky pieces stay firm and not turn into mush. Extra bonus points for cutting back on waste and prep work by not needing to be peeled. A good scrub and rinse will suffice. Red skinned potatoes could be used instead, however I find those quite bland but they do hold up nicely in a soup such as this one.

The Carrot

Resist the temptation of adding too many, one large one is plenty. Carrots are naturally sweet and so are the green peas, you really don’t want to overdo it with too much of either. Try and keep that perfect balance between sweet and savory, and remember to peel the carrot first for a lovely golden hue of the soup.

Recipe Tips + FAQ

  • Cashews – there’s only a symbolic amount being blended with a part of the soup to achieve the ultimate silky texture. They can be omitted but if you do have a small handful laying around please throw them in the blender. If your blender is not that powerful make sure to soak them in hot water while your soup is cooking. Alternatively you can finish the soup with a light pouring of pre-made cashew cream.
  • How to thicken vegan potato soup? – The old fashion potato soup required a roux to be made with flour and fat to thicken it, but really there is no need for the extra work and fat. We now have blenders, so simply puree anywhere from 1/4 to 1/3 of the soup mixture until creamy and mix it back in the pot. The best way to thicken and achieve a divine cream of potato soup texture in my opinion.
  • Can I use coconut cream? – Negative! Unless you insist of course, but please consider that your soup will taste different and this is just not the kind of soup where I want to alter the flavor in that direction. If you fancy coconut try this sweet potato soup instead.
  • Soup Color – If you prefer a golden color soup simply puree some of the carrot with the potatoes and broth. For a lighter hue try not to puree any carrot pieces, and for a darker olive green puree some of the peas with the potatoes and carrot.
  • Fresh Rosemary vs Dried – If you must use dried rosemary make sure it’s a fragrant batch. Use 1 teaspoon of dried in lieu of 1 sprig fresh rosemary. Taste, add more, you’ll need to experiment here.
  • Cheesier Flavor – you can up the nutritional yeast to 1/3 cup but really it isn’t necessary, this soup is perfect as is.
  • Add Ins – To boost up the volume and nutritional profile of the soup I added protein packed green peas. You could add in some chopped kale, steamed broccoli, green beans and even asparagus instead. Whichever route you go remember to do any pureeing of the soup before adding the greens unless you are after a darker green colored soup. It’s all esthetics!
  • Serving Suggestions – Fresh herbs, homemade bread, flatbread, chive pesto drizzle, red pepper flakes.

On Storage + Reheating

As most soups this one also keeps well in the fridge in lidded containers for up to a week. Since it is dairy free you can also freeze it for up to 4 months as it thaws out and reheats beautifully on the stove top or microwave oven. Add a splash of veggie stock to thin it out if need be.

Veggie Stew or Soup…?

The only difference between the two is the amount of liquid. For a thinner soup just add in a good splash of veggie stock and combine well until desired texture is achieved. Potato Soup or stew? You tell me, I say it’s just semantics with subtle shades of meaning. You do you and keep it delicious!

Vegan Soups

  • Potato Broccoli Soup
  • Vegan no Clam Chowder
  • Tomato Gazpacho
  • Cauliflower Soup
  • Cabbage Stew
  • Wild Rice Mushroom Soup
  • Spanish Vegetable Soup
  • Vegan White Bean Soup
  • Chickpea Stew
  • Best Lentil Soup.

how to make vegan potato soup

Vegan Potato Soup Recipe (8)

5 from 3 votes

Vegan Potato Soup

Easy vegan potato soup recipe with healthy leeks, carrots, celery and green peas. It’s creamy, savory and good for you with a lovely Tuscan vibe from fresh rosemary. A simple comforting veggie stew in any season.

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  • 1 leek diced (or 1 yellow onion)
  • 1 large carrot peeled + diced
  • 1 celery stak chopped
  • 1 lb gold potatoes diced
  • 4 cloves garlic minced
  • 2 sprigs rosemary
  • 1 tsp smoked paprika
  • 2 Tbsp nutritional yeast
  • 3 tsp onion powder
  • sea salt to taste (I used 1.5 tsp)
  • 1 pinch red pepper flakes
  • 1/2 lb frozen green peas
  • 4-5 cups water
  • 1/4 cup raw cashews optional
  • Fresh chives or parsley for garnish
  • Lemon wedges or serving


  • Place the frozen peas in a bowl of room temperature water to thaw out.

    1/2 lb frozen green peas

Prepare the Leeks

  • Cut the very dark green tops off of the leek and reserve for later. (You can definitely use them here just know it will affect the color of the soup and make it a darker but delicious). Slice the white and pale green part of the leek in half lengthwise then slice it up thinly. Transfer to a medium bowl and cover with cold water. Give it a good stir and allow to sit for a few minutes for any sand and dirt to sink to the bottom of the bowl. Using a slotted spoon or your hands, scoop up the clean leeks floating on the top and transfer to a lint free tea towel to drain any excess water. (Alternatively you can just add them directly to the soup pot and cook a little longer until all moisture has evaporated.)

    1 leek

Make the Soup

  • Preheat a heavy bottom soup pot over medium heat. Add a very light drizzle of olive oil (omit for WFPB diets) and transfer the clean leeks to the pot. Sprinkle with a pinch of salt and give it a good stir. Sautee until wilted and the leeks start to get some color, about 10 minutes or so.

    1 leek

  • Stir in the diced carrot and celery and sautée a few more minutes until they begin to soften. Push the veggies to the side and drizzle a drop of oil in the center. Add the minced garlic and let it sizzle until fragrant. Give everything a good stir.

    1 large carrot, 1 celery stak, 4 cloves garlic

  • Meanwhile scrub and rinse the potatoes and dice them into small cubes. Rinse well in a bowl of cold water, drain and add to the soup pot.

    1 lb gold potatoes

  • Stir in the onion powder, paprika and rosemary. Pour in the water and bring to a boil. Stir in the nutritional yeast and the salt. Cook for 15 to 20 minutes or until the potatoes have softened but still a little al dente.

    2 sprigs rosemary, 1 tsp smoked paprika, 2 Tbsp nutritional yeast, 3 tsp onion powder, 4-5 cups water, sea salt to taste

  • Transfer about 1/3 of the soup to a blender together with the cashews. Process on the hot liquid setting until silky smooth. Stir back into the soup pot.

    1/4 cup raw cashews

  • Drain the peas and add them into the soup. Simmer a few minutes until heated through. Adjust seasonings to taste and serve garnished with fresh onion chives, red chili flakes. (If desired you could brighten it up with a squeeze of lemon or go more earthy with a pinch of smoked sea salt and maybe some crumbled tempeh bacon bits).

    1 pinch red pepper flakes, 1/2 lb frozen green peas, Fresh chives or parsley for garnish, Lemon wedges or serving

WFPB + Plantricious

  • For compliance make sure to omit any oil and replace with water or veggie stock.

    Vegan Potato Soup Recipe (9)


  • Fresh Rosemary vs Dried - If you must use dried rosemary make sure it’s a fragrant batch. Use 1 teaspoon of dried in lieu of 1 sprig fresh rosemary. Taste, add more, you’ll need to experiment here.
  • Soup Color - If you prefer a golden color soup simply puree some of the carrot with the potatoes and broth. For a lighter hue try not to puree any carrot pieces and only cook the white and pale green parts of the leek. For a darker olive green color use all the dark green tops of leeks and puree some of the peas with the potatoes and carrot as well.


Calories: 224kcal | Carbohydrates: 39g | Protein: 10g | Fat: 4g | Saturated Fat: 1g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 1g | Monounsaturated Fat: 2g | Sodium: 331mg | Potassium: 878mg | Fiber: 8g | Sugar: 6g | Vitamin A: 3628IU | Vitamin C: 50mg | Calcium: 71mg | Iron: 3mg

Course: Soup

Cuisine: European

Keyword: Vegan Potato Soup, veggie stew

Servings: 4 people

Calories: 224kcal

Author: Florentina

Vegan Potato Soup Recipe (2024)
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