Sensory Activities - Using 4 Senses - Mighty Kids (2024)

Help your kid’s senses to get better by doing fun sensory activities with them. Check out the instructions for our fun and easy shaving foam craft that kids can do by using 4 of their senses.

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Sensory Activities - Using 4 Senses - Mighty Kids (1)

In Montessori education, sensory activities are a fundamental foundation for the development of children.

The first years of life are crucial for a child because it is at this stage where many personality traits are defined, and intelligence is developed and, therefore, consolidate human beings’ destiny.

Children are more permeable to all knowledge and stimulation at this age, so it is essential to encourage these stimuli early on because it will have a more significant impact on their development.

Early childhood education must involve a more comprehensive development in which each child’s needs and the time the child wishes to learn about a particular topic are considered.

Thus, the learning acquired later will be more effective throughout his life. Exercises that involve all senses allow children to discover and gain knowledge in a more playful way of everything that surrounds them.

They are based on perceptions through the senses, allowing them to adapt to their environment.

Children’s minds are like a sponge that collects infinite information. Therefore, they must have access to a prepared environment so that, in this way, they can take advantage of all the stimuli received during each prepared activity.

Through sensory activities, children can develop different capacities that further promote self-learning.

The materials used must be sensitively attractive to capture their curiosity and desire to learn, involving most of the senses: hearing, smell, sight, and touch. These are the points of contact with the child’s environment.

Sensory Activities - Using 4 Senses - Mighty Kids (2)



Topic: Sensory

Age: 2-4-year-old children

Goal: Through this sensory activity, kids will stimulate the senses and discover new things about their environment.

Difficulty level: Average. This sensory activity is designed for children to do independently, with an adult’s surveillance.


  • Precision in hand and finger movements
  • Texture recognition
  • Odor recognition
  • Imagination
  • Coordination
  • Enthusiasm
  • Independence
  • Reasoning


Sensory Activities - Using 4 Senses - Mighty Kids (3)
  • A tray
  • A brown paper
  • Shaving foam
  • A wooden popsicle sticks
  • Food coloring
  • Pencil
  • Scissors
  • A paintbrush
  • Glue
  • A white card stock sheet


Step 1:

Draw and cut out the cone. (Adult help)

Sensory Activities - Using 4 Senses - Mighty Kids (4)

Step 2:

Glue the cone on the white cardboard.

Sensory Activities - Using 4 Senses - Mighty Kids (5)

Step 3:

Put two drops of food coloring in the shaving foam. (Adult supervision)

Sensory Activities - Using 4 Senses - Mighty Kids (6)

Step 4:

Stir in the shaving cream the food coloring with the popsicle stick. (Adult supervision)

Sensory Activities - Using 4 Senses - Mighty Kids (7)

Step 5:

Arrange the foam on the cone, shaping it like an ice-cream. (Adult supervision)

Sensory Activities - Using 4 Senses - Mighty Kids (8)


Cone with shaving foam sensory activity for kids

Sensory Activities - Using 4 Senses - Mighty Kids (9)


After their sensory activities, give kids new worksheets. Click the link below to download our free printable preschool worksheets.

Sensory Activities - Using 4 Senses - Mighty Kids (10)

Download the Free Printable Worksheets



This sensory activity can be done with younger children. Children are developing their manual coordination at this age, so you can use several colors with the foam. They will enjoy playing and feeling the foam.

That way, children will elaborate on a sensory activity according to their abilities and development.

Adult supervision is required to ensure the shaving foam does not get into the child’s eyes or mouth.


This sensory activity can be developed with older children. You can add more cones and let them use different colors to experiment with what happens.

You can also use other drawings and fill them with foam. This way, an appropriate toddler activity will be carried out for children’s development and abilities.

Adult supervision is required to ensure the shaving foam does not get into the child’s eyes or mouth.


In this sensory activity video, you will find the step by step of activity “USING 4 OF MY SENSES,” designed for 2-4-year-old children, in which they will stimulate their senses.

This sensory activity will allow children to develop different skills such as odor recognition, texture recognition, visual recognition imagination, accuracy in hand and fingers movements, coordination, independence, and reasoning.

The materials for this sensory activity are a tray, brown paper, shaving foam, a wooden popsicle stick, food coloring, pencil, scissors, a paintbrush, glue, and a white card stock sheet.

Do you like our sensory activities for kids? Make sure to check out our other fun sensorial activities for preschoolers.

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Liliana is a Licensed Montessori teacher known for her passion and dedication to education. She's been a teacher in the United States for many years, and she truly believes that education is the key to making the world a better place because today's students are tomorrow's leaders. Her experience with Toddlers, Beginners, VPK with Montessori methodology approach; Kindergarten, and first grade made her an authority and trusted resource. Liliana's family taught her important qualities like love, a positive attitude, strong motivation, and leadership. These values have guided her on her journey to becoming a professional and expert teacher. Her mission is to help children grow and contribute to a brighter future for the country.

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Sensory Activities - Using 4 Senses - Mighty Kids (2024)
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