Nosotros (2024)

Nosotros (1)

Nace una gran compañia

Fundada el 27 de abril de 1961 con solo veinte empleados, comenzamos a extraer jugos y producción de néctares. Rápidamente nos convertimos en el mejor productor del país.Iniciamos con el proceso de durazno envasado en una latita de 150 ml, la cual no tenía litografía, solo tenía una etiqueta con la marca de Frugo.

En 1964 se inicia entonces un proceso para registrar la marca “JUMEX” con el eslogan de “la latita azul”, identificada desde entonces como la mejor de jugos y néctares en México.

Nosotros (2)

La ardilla y el árbol se integran a nuestra familia

El Árbol de JUMEX desde entonces nos acompaña. Esta nueva imagen dio mayor naturalidad a la marca.

Al principio fue solamente un personaje de nuestras campañas, y poco a poco se convirtió en un icono de la marca que todos reconocemos y queremos. En 1979 se crea un nuevo eslogan: “Jumex: Fruta fresca nada más”.

Nosotros (3)

El año del envase de cristal

En 1984 lanzamos al mercado la presentación de 1 litro con las frutas de manzana, uva, naranja y toronja; además de tomate y en 1989 presentamos la botellita de 250 ml.

Nosotros (4)

El envase Tetra Brik sale al mercado

En 1990 comenzamos con el envasado de jugos y néctares de fruta de un litro: Tetra Brik.

En 1994 logramos uno de los máximos proyectos para la marca Jumex, dar forma diferente a la lata, lanzando al mercado la nueva lata 335 ml. que sustituyó a la lata tradicional 350ml; esta nueva lata tiene como característica principal el acuellado del cuerpo de la lata.

Nosotros (5)

El futuro está aquí con la Lata Botella

Nuestra visión futurista nos llevó a darle a nuestros consumidores la “lata de botella”, que tiene el beneficio de 2 envases en uno, la botella y la lata expandida como lo mejor de dos mundos.

Nosotros (2024)


What is the meaning of nosotros? ›

is a Spanish pronoun that means we, us, or ourselves in English. It is used to refer to a group of people that includes the speaker and at least one other person. Read on to learn more about how to use the pronoun nosotros!

What does nosotros mean in Latin? ›

nosotros m pl (feminine plural nosotras) we (masculine plural) (disjunctive, locative) ourselves.

What is the difference between nosotros and vosotros? ›

Nosotros means “we” in English. Nosotros is used in all Spanish-speaking countries. Vosotros mean “y'all” or “you all” in English. Vosotros is only used in Spain.

How do you know when to use nosotros? ›

Nosotros is used to refer to a group of men only or a group made up of men and women. Even if there are ninety-nine women and only one man in a group, you still use nosotros. Nosotras is feminine and is only used when the entire group is female.

Do Spanish people say nosotros? ›

In English, when I have a group with me, the plural of “I” is “we.” The same is true in Spanish, the plural of yo is nosotros (or nosotras if we are all females). Pronouns in the second row are second person pronouns ( tú and vosotros/vosotras).

Does nosotros mean you all? ›

Unlike English, the plural pronouns “we” (nosotros/nosotras), “you all” (vosotros/vosotras), and “they” (ellos/ellas) need to be changed to match the gender of the group. The letter “a” is related to feminine words, while “o” is masculine.

Why don t Mexicans say Vosotros? ›

One theory is that vosotros was seen as harsh and bossy (kind of like “hey, you guys!”) in regions with bigger class disparities and a large rural population, and people found it more accommodating and polite to use the formal Ustedes instead.

Does nosotros mean us or we? ›

Nosotros is used for the pronoun, we. Using nosotros means that you are referring everyone in the group as being male. Nosotras, on the other hand, is basically the same thing, but you're just saying that everyone in the group is female.

Who says nosotros? ›

Spain uses the second-person plural “vosotros” (you all) whereas most of Latin America uses the second-person plural “ustedes” to mean “you all.”

Why is the word Vosotros hated? ›

One theory is that vosotros was seen as harsh and bossy (kind of like “hey, you guys!”) in regions with bigger class disparities and a large rural population, and people found it more accommodating and polite to use the formal Ustedes instead.

Why is Vosotros never used? ›

People from Spain use vosotros as a personal pronoun in informal situations. However, in Latin American countries it's perceived as a pronoun that only applies to highly formal scenarios and it's almost never used.

Should I use Vosotros or Ustedes? ›

Ustedes means “you (plural)” or “you-all.” Vosotros means “you-plural” or “you-all.” In Spain, Ustedes is used for formal situations, such as elders, or bosses, or people you don't know well. Vosotros is used for people you're very familiar with, such as family members and friends.

What is the feminine version of yo? ›

Yo is a gender-neutral pronoun because it's used both for males and females. As the name implies, gender-neutral pronouns are ones which contain no indication of the gender of their referent. In English, all our first and second person pronouns are gender neutral: I, me, my, mine, we, our, ours, you, your, yours.

What is Ella in English? ›

In Spanish, the word ella means "she" or "her" so the name Ella can be considered to mean "girl" or "feminine" as well. Origin: The name Ella is an English name of ancient Germanic origins. The ancient Germanic prefix Alia developed into Ella.

What is the pronoun for the girl in Spanish? ›

In she/her/ella, the word ella—pronounced [ eh-yah ]—is the Spanish pronoun equivalent to the English she or her (in Spanish, the same word is used regardless of whether it's the subject or the object). In he/him/él, él—simply pronounced [ el ]—is the Spanish pronoun equivalent to the English he or him.

Does nosotros mean we or they? ›

nosotros = we (masc.) nosotros = we (fem.)

How does nosotros work in Spanish? ›

Nosotros commands are used when the speaker is included, and are used to express the idea “let's + verb.” To form these commands, use the nosotros form of the present subjunctive. Comamos allí. Let's eat there.

Where do they use nosotros? ›

'Nosotros' means 'we' and is used in American Spanish and Peninsular Spanish. 'Vosotros' is used exclusively in peninsular Spanish. It is plural, informal 'you' roughly equivalent to you guys/y'all in North American English.

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Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.