CV Europass Online © 2022 in Word (Download Gratis) | Europeo (2024)

Questoesempio in italianosi adatta completamente agli standard europei nel 2022. Scarica subito questo nuovo modello di CV Europass online gratis in Word.

Presentazione del CV Europass

Che cos’è il CV Europass?

Il CV Europass è un formato ufficiale creato dall’Unione Europea, che permette di semplificare la ricerca di opportunità lavorative a tutti i cittadini europei e/o stranieri interessati a trovare un impiego in Europa. Sono numerose le offerte di lavoro che richiedono il CV Europass per la candidatura. Leggi qui di seguito il nostro articolo che ti fornirà ulteriori dettagli su come fare un Curriculum Vitae Europeo.

Perché è importante scaricare il curriculum Europass:

  1. Questo nuovo modello di CV ufficiale è scaricabile gratuitamente e si adatta ad ogni tipo di profilo professionale. Inoltre, è importante prendere in considerazione che questo Curriculum Vitae Europeo contiene tutte le sezioni essenziali per un Curriculum Vitae professionale e adatto a questo specifico mercato.
  2. Il modello CV Europeo mostra il tuo profilo in modo preciso e organizzato: questo dà la possibilità al recruiter di conoscere bene il tuo profilo professionale. Per poter completare correttamente questo template di curriculum europeo è importante farti le seguenti domande: Qual è il mio livello di istruzione? Qual è il mio livello lavorativo se non ho alcun diploma? Ho fatto degli stage professionali? Quali sono le mie competenze principali’ Ecc. In questo modo, potrai compilarlo correttamente.
  3. Il Curriculum Vitae Europass è molto utile per un recruiter, dato che gli permette di comparare profili di candidati provenienti da Paesi diversi attraverso un modello unico di Curriculum.
  4. Questo modello di CV è disponibile in 27 lingue, così da poterlo adattare facilmente nel caso in cui tu voglia trovare un impiego in Europa (Francia, Germania, Inghilterra, Irlanda, Spagna, ecc.).

I due migliori formati CV Europeo gratis

Qui mettiamo a tua disposizione i due migliori formati di CV Europeo gratis da scaricare online. Quando crei il tuo CV Europeo scegli uno di questi due modelli in formato Word. Puoi facilmente modificare e compilare questi modelli e avrai il tuo CV Europass pronto! Trova più in alto il link per scaricare gratis questi 2 modelli di CV Europeo in Word.

Come scrivere un CV Europass di successo

Puoi creare il tuo CV europass tramite il nostro template editabile o direttamente sul sito ufficiale. Per compilare al meglio il tuo CV Europeo segui questi passaggi:

1. Per prima cosa scarica il template gratuito del modello CV Europass editabile

Puoi scaricare il CV Europeo sul link per il download che trovi all’inizio di questa pagina. Una volta scaricato puoi salvarlo in una cartella che preferisci del tuo computer.

2. Scegli le voci giuste in base al paese

Puoi scegliere di creare il tuo CV Europeo e inviarlo a più recruiter per posizioni diverse. Ad ogni modo ti consigliamo di apportare alcune modifiche se parliamo di paesi diversi. In ogni paese ci saranno standard di Curriculum Vitae differenti. La cosa migliore è scaricare il template editabile e modificarlo in base agli standard del paese per il quale ti stai candidando.

3. Compila le diverse categorie

Compila le diverse sezioni del tuo CV Europeo. La sua struttura è simile al template di un curriculum classico, quindi sarà facile inserire i tuoi dati al nuovo modello CV Europass.

Vedere anche: Modificare CV Europass (Passi)

4. Rileggi il contenuto del tuo CV Europeo

Una cosa molto importante per fare un buon CV Europass è di rileggerlo sempre una volta che lo hai terminato di compilare. Non esitare a correggere eventuali errori, oppure a chiedere l’opinione di una persona esterna che può correggerti!

5. Scarica il tuo curriculum Europass in PDF

Infine l’ultimo passo è di scaricare il tuo curriculum Europeo in formato PDF. Niente di più semplice, basta andare su “File” > “Salva con nome” quindi scegliere il formato PDF prima di cliccare su “Salva”. Una volta salvato il tuo curriculum puoi stamparlo o allegarlo ad una candidatura. Per candidarti ad una posizione di lavoro, carica il modello di curriculum che preferisci. Ricorda inoltre di aggiornare il tuo CV ogni volta che acquisisci una nuova competenza professionale, communication skill o certificazione.

Puoi vedere anche: Come Fare CV Europass in PDF

Vantaggi principali del CV Europass

  • Questo Curriculum ti permetterà di candidarti per un impiego in qualsiasi paese Europeo.
  • È un modello riconosciuto in tutti gli Stati dell’Unione Europea (UE).
  • Permette di valutare il livello delle tue competenze.
  • Lo puoi scaricare in più di 27 lingue dal sito web Europass della Commissione Europea (
  • Offre anche una piattaforma online per creare il tuo CV Europeo ed esportarlo in formato PDF.

Svantaggi del CV Europass

  • La grafica del CV Europass è abbastanza semplice e poco moderna.
  • Gode di scarsa popolarità; molte imprese e selezionatori ancora non conoscono questo tipo di CV.

Domande frequenti sul Curriculum Europass

Come fare un buon curriculum Europass?

Per fare un buon CV Europeo i passaggi da seguire sono i seguenti:

  1. Compilare correttamente il tuo CV Europass, senza fare errori di ortografia.
  2. Cura la tua presentazione, deve essere breve e incisiva.
  3. Scegli le tue sezioni in base alla posizione e al paese per cui ti candidi. Il nostro modello di CV Europass è completamente editabile, per questo puoi modificare il tuo curriculum all’infinito in Word.
  4. Esporta il tuo CV Europeo in PDF.

Come creare e modificare il CV Europass Gratis Online?

Per poter creare il tuo Curriculum Vitae puoi consultare il nostro articolo su come modificare il curriculum Europass. Dovrai compilare i diversi campi che sono: informazioni personali, esperienza professionale, istruzione e formazione ed infine competenze interpersonali.

Dove scaricare il CV Europeo?

Puoi comodamente scaricare il tuo modello di Curriculum Vitae Europeo da questa pagina. Una volta effettuato il download, puoi passare alle modifiche necessarie all’interno del documento. Una volta compilato il tuo CV puoi tranquillamente salvarlo come PDF, ed ecco fatto che avrai il tuo Curriculum Europass!

Come scaricare il CV da Europass?

Per scaricare il curriculum dal sito ufficiale Europass dovrai creare un account ed in seguito compilare il CV dal tuo browser. Una volta terminati tutti i passaggi, potrai esportare il tuo curriculum solo in formato PDF.

Come compilare il curriculum Europass?

Ecco qui le istruzioni su come compilare il tuo CV Europeo, hai due opzioni:

  • Puoi scaricare il nostro template completamente gratuito cliccando sul link per il download che si trova in cima a questa pagina. Il nostro template è completamente editabile e facile da compilare. Una volta compilato puoi salvare il tuo CV sul tuo computer in qualsiasi formato (Word, PDF, ecc.).
  • Puoi compilare online il tuo curriculum Europeo con l’editor ufficiale Europass. Dopo aver creato un account sull’applicazione potrai modificare il tuo Curriculum Vitae Europass e scaricare il modello in formato PDF.

Come salvare il CV Europass?

Per salvare il tuo CV Europass basta andare su “File” > “Salva con nome” quindi scegliere il formato PDF prima di cliccare su “Salva”. Una volta salvato il tuo curriculum puoi stamparlo o allegarlo ad una candidatura.

Altre istruzioni sul CV Europass

Se vuoi candidarti per un impiego in Europa, ti consigliamo di tenere a disposizione del datore di lavoro un Curriculum tradizionale e un CV Europass. In questo modo, potrai inviare all’impresa il tuo CV in entrambe le versioni o semplicemente chiedere qual è il modello da loro utilizzato. Questo ti permetterà di dimostrare professionalità e ti darà la certezza di non precluderti nessuna possibilità.

Fonte: Questo modello è ispirato da formato Europass ufficiale. Si tratta di una riproduzione. Se volete creare il vostro CV Europass ufficiale, dovrete andare sul sito ufficiale Europass © Unione Europea: (

Puoi vedere anche:
CV Europass in Inglese
CV Europass in Francese
Modelli di curriculum
Modello CV Moderno

CV Europass Online © 2022 in Word (Download Gratis) | Europeo (2024)


Can I download Europass CV? ›

You can download your Europass CV, store it in your Europass Library share it with employers, with EURES or other job boards.

Is Europass CV free? ›

You can create as many versions of your Europass CVs as you wish. You will always keep the control of your personal data and decide with whom you want to share it. Of course, these tools are available in 29 languages and for free.

Can I edit my Europass CV? ›

Can I customise my Europass CV? With the Europass CV editor you can add, remove and edit sections of the CV as you wish. Sections like “Work experience” and “Education and training” can be moved, edited or removed. You can also create customised sections, with names you choose, depending on your needs and experiences.

How do I convert my Europass profile to my CV? ›

From the europas home page while being logged in click create cv. Now click import europa cv as you

How do I make my CV a Europass PDF? ›

Quick Europass tutorial: create your CVs - YouTube

How do I format a Europass CV? ›

How to create a Europass CV | Euro Craze - YouTube

How do I make a Europass CV for free? ›

How to create Free CV via Europass in 4 minutes? Free UK CV Download

How can I create and download CV for free? ›

With Canva's free resume builder, applying for your dream job is easy and fast. Choose from hundreds of free, designer-made templates and customize them within a few clicks. Forget spending hours formatting your resume, or choosing complimentary fonts for your cover letter.

How can I make a free CV online? ›

Build the future with your CV—
  1. Pick an online CV template. Choose the design and structure to get started.
  2. Fill in the blanks. Type in the key details about yourself. Let the Zety CV maker get the rest right.
  3. Customize it. Make it unique and truly yours.

How do I edit my Europass? ›

Just double-click on each section and type in your information.
  1. Edit your contact information. ...
  2. Update your work experience. ...
  3. Education section. ...
  4. Keep your skills up to date. ...
  5. Additional information. ...
  6. Keep your Europass CV updated. ...
  7. Upload the Europass CV to edit it. ...
  8. Edit your contact information.

How do I access my Europass library? ›

You can use the EU login app on your mobile phone or your national eID if you have one.
  1. Digital Credentials for learners.
  2. Digital Credentials for issuers Digital Credentials for issuers. Credential issuer.

Is Europass CV accepted in Germany? ›

However, companies in Germany usually appreciate an individual design for your application; hence, you can use the Europass CV as a guide and then adjust it to your individual style.

Is Europass CV good? ›

The Europass CV is a very ineffective format and can be a detriment to your job search.

How can I make CV in Mobile? ›

3 Easy Ways to Create a Professional Resume on Your Phone
  1. Use a Mobile-Friendly Resume-Building Website. You need your resume to look its best in design and be presented using the best possible wordings. ...
  2. Use a Resume Builder App. ...
  3. Download Your Indeed Profile as a Resume.
20 Jun 2022

How many pages should a Europass CV be? ›

Try to limit your Europass CV to one or two pages. Keep it simple and focus only on the necessary elements of your skills and experience. Given the space-wasting design of the Europass CV, you'll need to keep your text as short as possible if you hope to make everything fit on one page.

What is a headline in CV? ›

A resume headline (also known as a resume title) is a brief phrase that highlights your value as a candidate. Located at the top of your resume under your name and contact information, a headline allows a recruiter to see quickly and concisely what makes you the right person for the job.

How can I edit my CV? ›

How to edit resumes
  1. Check your resume for typos and grammatical errors. ...
  2. Check for formatting issues. ...
  3. Check your resume's keywords. ...
  4. Check for weak and passive verbs. ...
  5. List your most relevant and impressive achievements first. ...
  6. Check your resume's objective statement.

How can I edit my CV online? ›

Go to the editor or click on any of the templates in this article to get started. Choose the template that best suits the job you're applying for. Customize the template with your information and edit the colors, text, and background to your liking. Save and download it in a few seconds.

How can I update my CV? ›

Follow the steps below to learn how to update your CV:
  1. Do some research. ...
  2. Refresh your CV summary or objective. ...
  3. Remove outdated information. ...
  4. Focus on achievements. ...
  5. Check your contact information. ...
  6. Proofread before sending. ...
  7. There have been important updates in your career.
  8. When information becomes out of date.

What is civil status in CV? ›

Married, including separated. Civil partnered, including separated. Divorced, including legally dissolved civil partners. Widowed, including surviving civil partners.

How do I write about me on my CV? ›

Tips for writing an “about me” resume section
  1. Be brief. It is important to make sure you are not rambling in your “about me” section. ...
  2. Be honest. It is very important to be truthful in your “about me” section. ...
  3. Proofread and read aloud. ...
  4. Keep your “about me” section updated. ...
  5. Tie it into the job description.

What should I write in Europass CV about me? ›

To get the best out of your Europass CV, you need to do 5 things: Present your experience clearly – highlight examples of your skills and experiences matching the job you are applying for and pay close attention to the details published in the job offer.

Where can I download a free CV template? ›

More Free CV Templates. Microsoft Office and Google Docs offer some excellent CV templates in their online repositories. But there is a huge array of CVs available from other sources just waiting to be discovered. Canva is an amazing source of free creative CV templates.

How can I make CV in Word? ›

If you need help creating a resume or cover letter, start with one of the dozens of professionally-designed resume and cover letter templates that are available in Word. Go to File > New. In the search box, type Resume or Cover Letter. Double-click the template you want to use.

What is the best free CV builder? ›

Best Free Resume Builders
  • Zety: Best for expert resume creation tips.
  • Resume Genius: Best for easy and fast resume creation.
  • My Perfect Resume: Best for guided resume creation help.
  • Standard Resume: Best for active LinkedIn users.
  • Canva: Best for design creativity and expression.
  • Indeed: Best for in-platform jobseekers.
20 Jul 2022

Is ZETY free to use? ›

Pricing: You can use Zety's career resources at no cost. Users can also create a free resume or cover letter, but they will be required to buy a 14-day pass for $2.70 to download their document. Those who require extra features can pay the discounted rate of $71.40 for an annual subscription.

How can I make CV on my laptop? ›

To access these resume templates from your computer:

Open Microsoft Word and go to File > New. Type resume into the search box. Click a resume template that you want to use. Click Create to open the resume template in MS Word.

How do I share my Europass profile? ›

Your Europass profile is private but you can share a link to your profile with employers, education institutions or guidance counsellors to get their assistance or as part of your application. You can share your full profile or select specific sections of your profile to share.

What is a tabular CV? ›

A tabular resume organizes your educational and professional information in tables. Typically, each section of the resume has its own visual elements, allowing hiring managers to locate key information quickly. For example, you might have a table for your professional certifications, prior jobs and skills.

How do I change the order of sections in Europass CV? ›

Rearranging Sections and Items - YouTube

What is Europass format? ›

The format of the Europass CV is an auto-formatted document with a certain layout and specific way of displaying information, for which is receives recognition as the Europass CV. The Europass format includes everything that a CV normally would with its own set way of listing everything.

Who can see my Europass profile? ›

Share it. Your Europass profile is private but you can share a link to your profile with employers, education institutions or guidance counsellors to get their assistance or as part of your application. You can share your full profile or select specific sections of your profile to share.

What is Europass account? ›

Europass is your free set of online tools to manage your skills, and plan your learning and career in Europe.

Is photo necessary in Europass? ›

A Picture-Perfect Mistake

One further requirement on a Europass CV is that the user submits a photograph for the CV. Although photographs on resumes are hotly debated, they are ultimately never necessary.

Is Europass CV accepted in UK? ›

The Europass is accepted throughout Europe (not in the UK) but there are also alternatives. Each job posting has specific instructions and you should follow them to the letter. For most positions, you can use an online resume builder to quickly create an attractive resume to send.

How can I apply for free study in Germany? ›

Students wanting to study in Germany for free are required to adhere to the following steps to be able to achieve the same.
  1. Course Selection.
  2. University/College Selection.
  3. Tuition Costs (if any) and Blocked Account.
  4. Living and accommodation costs.
  5. Apply.
  6. Get your German Student Visa.
  7. Taking off and life in Germany.

What is the best CV format for 2022? ›

In 99% of the cases, we'd recommend going with a reverse-chronological resume format. In 2022, it's the most common and useful format: Applicant tracking systems can read it without any problems. All recruiters and hiring managers are familiar with this format.

How do you write a CV for 2022? ›

How to Write a Modern CV in 2022
  1. Ditch the objective and replace with a professional summary. ...
  2. Take advantage of keywords. ...
  3. Utilise your skills section. ...
  4. Remove old education dates. ...
  5. Be mindful when listing work experience. ...
  6. Structure your work experience so it fits the role. ...
  7. Remove personal information.

Is CV and resume are same? ›

The CV presents a full history of your academic credentials, so the length of the document is variable. In contrast, a resume presents a concise picture of your skills and qualifications for a specific position, so length tends to be shorter and dictated by years of experience (generally 1-2 pages).

What is the best CV format? ›

The reverse-chronological CV format is by far the queen of CV formats. It's the most widely used and the one that recruiters and hiring managers are most familiar with. In this format you focus on your work experience, with the most recent (or your present) jobs listed in the top of your experience section.

What is the size of CV photo? ›

CV photo size

Still, many experts recommend using a 35 x 45 mm photo, which corresponds to the standard photo size used for official documents in most countries.

What is a CV in Germany? ›

Lebenslauf is the official German term used to describe a curriculum vitae, more commonly known as a CV. As you may know, German people like things being done their way. The German CV is thus written in a very efficient yet different manner to what you'd see in other countries.

Is CV Maker free? ›

The online CV creator / maker is a free-of-charge tool enabling you to develop a professional and effective Curriculum vitae or a effective Resume in a short form.

Which app can I use to create a CV? ›

1. Resume Star: Pro CV Maker. With a 4.9-star rating on the App Store, Resume Star has great reviews all round. As one iOS user put it: 'This is the best, easiest way to create and get your résumé out there.

Which app can I use to edit my CV? ›

You can create, view, and edit Google documents, as well as Microsoft Word® files, with the Google Docs app for Android.

Is Europass CV accepted in Germany? ›

However, companies in Germany usually appreciate an individual design for your application; hence, you can use the Europass CV as a guide and then adjust it to your individual style.

How do I access my Europass library? ›

You can use the EU login app on your mobile phone or your national eID if you have one.
  1. Digital Credentials for learners.
  2. Digital Credentials for issuers Digital Credentials for issuers. Credential issuer.

Is Europass CV good? ›

The Europass CV is a very ineffective format and can be a detriment to your job search.

How do I create an online CV? ›

How to make a resume
  1. Open Canva. Open up Canva and search for "Resume" to start designing your own.
  2. Find the right template. Choose from hundreds of professionally-designed resume templates. ...
  3. Personalize your resume. ...
  4. Get creative with more features. ...
  5. Order your prints.

Is photo necessary in Europass? ›

A Picture-Perfect Mistake

One further requirement on a Europass CV is that the user submits a photograph for the CV. Although photographs on resumes are hotly debated, they are ultimately never necessary.

Is Europass CV accepted in USA? ›

Although the Europass system to create a CV or resume is designed for use in Europe, you don't have to be from Europe to use it.

Is Europass CV accepted in UK? ›

The Europass is accepted throughout Europe (not in the UK) but there are also alternatives. Each job posting has specific instructions and you should follow them to the letter. For most positions, you can use an online resume builder to quickly create an attractive resume to send.

What is Europass format? ›

The format of the Europass CV is an auto-formatted document with a certain layout and specific way of displaying information, for which is receives recognition as the Europass CV. The Europass format includes everything that a CV normally would with its own set way of listing everything.

Who can see my Europass profile? ›

Share it. Your Europass profile is private but you can share a link to your profile with employers, education institutions or guidance counsellors to get their assistance or as part of your application. You can share your full profile or select specific sections of your profile to share.

What is Europass account? ›

Europass is your free set of online tools to manage your skills, and plan your learning and career in Europe.

What is the best CV format? ›

The reverse-chronological CV format is by far the queen of CV formats. It's the most widely used and the one that recruiters and hiring managers are most familiar with. In this format you focus on your work experience, with the most recent (or your present) jobs listed in the top of your experience section.

What is the size of CV photo? ›

CV photo size

Still, many experts recommend using a 35 x 45 mm photo, which corresponds to the standard photo size used for official documents in most countries.

How can I make CV in Word? ›

If you need help creating a resume or cover letter, start with one of the dozens of professionally-designed resume and cover letter templates that are available in Word. Go to File > New. In the search box, type Resume or Cover Letter. Double-click the template you want to use.

What is the best free CV builder? ›

Best Free Resume Builders
  • Zety: Best for expert resume creation tips.
  • Resume Genius: Best for easy and fast resume creation.
  • My Perfect Resume: Best for guided resume creation help.
  • Standard Resume: Best for active LinkedIn users.
  • Canva: Best for design creativity and expression.
  • Indeed: Best for in-platform jobseekers.
20 Jul 2022

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Article information

Author: Van Hayes

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Views: 5592

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (46 voted)

Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.