Caudal (2024)

El caudal es el volumen de agua que fluye a través de una sección transversal de un río o canal en la unidad de tiempo.En dinámica de fluidos, caudal es la cantidad de fluido que pasa en una unidad de tiempo. Normalmente se identifica con el flujo volumétrico o volumen que pasa por un área dada en la unidad de tiempo. Menos frecuentemente, se identifica con el flujo másico o masa que pasa por un área dada en la unidad de tiempo. 1.- Determinación de la cantidad de agua que circula por unidad de tiempo en un canal, conducto u orificio en un punto dado mediante el uso de un medidor de corriente, varilla flotadora, vertedero, tubo pitot u otro dispositivo o método de medición. 2.- Volumen de agua que pasa por una sección dada en una determinada unidad de tiempo. Las expresiones más usadas son litros por segundo, litros por minuto, metros cúbicos por hora, metros cúbicos por día, etc. La operación comprende no solamente la medición de la velocidad del agua y el área de la sección de aforo de la corriente de agua sino también los subsiguientes cálculos necesarios. 3.- Resultados numéricos de una medición de descarga expresados en unidades apropiadas. 4.- Volumen o masa de un gas, liquido o material sólido que pasa por la sección transversal de un conducto en un momento dado; medido en unidades tal como kilogramos por hora (kg/h), metros cúbicos por segundo (m3/s), litros por día (l/d).5.- Flujo por unidad de tiempo generalmente expresado en litros o m3 por segundo. Multiplicando el flujo por unidad de tiempo: día, mes o año hablamos de volúmenes de escurrimiento que en forma de promedios mensuales o anuales. En una cuenca o red fluvial definimos los cursos de agua básicamente en términos de caudales durante el año y en volúmenes de escurrimiento anual. Un dato importante también es el caudal pico, o sea de la máxima crecida y caudal base o mínimo. Estos datos son básicos para saber cuanto de agua se tiene y entonces de cuanto se dispone para usar en las diferentes aplicaciones, lo que da importantes datos para una planificación hidrológica.

Caudal (2024)


What is a caudal in anatomy? ›

Caudal means towards the tail or away from the head-end of the body. It is commonly used interchangeably with the term 'inferior', when the body is in its anatomical position.

What does caudal to mean? ›

cau·​dal ˈkȯ-dᵊl. 1. : of, relating to, or being a tail. 2. : directed toward or situated in or near the tail or posterior part of the body.

What area is caudal? ›

Caudal epidural steroid injection and nerve blocks are steroid injections that are given in the coccyx, also known as the tailbone or caudal, region to treat chronic lower back pain and chronic pain in the legs.

Where is your caudal? ›

There is a small opening right at the base of your spine that permits easy access to the epidural space within the spine. This is called the Caudal (sacral) hiatus. Injecting into the epidural space using the Caudal hiatus is very safe, comfortable and effective compared to other types of epidural injection.

What is another term for caudal? ›

synonyms: taillike caudate, caudated. having a tail or taillike appendage. adjective. situated in or directed toward the part of the body from which the tail arises.

What is your caudal? ›

A caudal injection is a steroid injection into your low back. The shot goes into the lower part of your epidural space (sleeve-like area that surrounds your nerve roots). The injection contains a steroid medication that reduces inflammation and decreases low back pain.

Why is it called caudal? ›

Etymology. Borrowed from Latin caudālis (“having a tail”).

What is the function of the caudal in the human body? ›

The anterior part of the caudal SPL plays a central role in visually guided locomotion, being implicated in controlling leg-related movements as well as the four limbs interaction with the environment, and in encoding egomotion-compatible optic flow.

What does caudal mean in spine? ›

Caudal regression syndrome is a disorder that impacts the development of the lower (caudal) part of the spine. The condition can affect many parts of the lower body, including the lower back and limbs, the genitourinary tract , and the gastrointestinal tract .

What is an example of a caudal? ›

Caudal refers to the anatomy moving away from the head. A human's feet are caudal or inferior to the head. A shark's tail is caudal or inferior to the head.

Where is caudal anesthesia injected? ›

Caudal epidural block is a commonly used technique for surgical anesthesia in children and chronic pain management in adults. It is performed by inserting a needle through the sacral hiatus to gain entrance into the sacral epidural space.

What is opposite of caudal? ›

Caudal - This is a longitudinal line drawn from any part of the body to or beyond the tail. It is the opposite of the cephalic direction.

How long does a caudal last? ›

The caudal block may affect how well your child can move their legs. Follow your doctor's instructions to keep your child safe until the block wears off. That usually takes 3 to 6 hours.

How long does a caudal injection last? ›

Another variable is how the injection is delivered. However, as a general rule, a patient can expect the pain relief to last anywhere from one to three months. In some patients, the pain relief may last as long as twelve months or even longer.

At what level of the spine is a caudal epidural performed? ›

Caudal epidural is an established technique in the setting of radicular low back pain. However, this technique is not without its limitations, owing to the variations in sacral hiatus anatomy. The sacral hiatus, the site of needle insertion is located at the base of the sacrum at the level of the spinous process of S4.

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

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Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.